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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Didnt know about the tea Party?
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-13-2009 03:21
How clueless are these people?
They must watch thier own news stations cuz the are all ignorant.

The White House on Friday claimed it was unaware of the planned rally.

"I don't know who the group is," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters with a shrug.

Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 09-13-2009 05:40
Like all the new czars just hoping if they ignore it will go away and can keep running it their way government has doing that for a while now.  They need to wake up and realize the election party is long over time to get dirty and get to work rebuilding this country or get the F*** OUT !
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-13-2009 12:34
You know what the most important part of any tea party is, the tea bag.
That's what those wankers go for to get Tea Bagged.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-13-2009 22:18
More like sand BAGGED.
stop hey whats that sound everybody look wats goin down.......
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-13-2009 22:46
Voice of experience there Bryon??
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-13-2009 23:15
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-13-2009 23:59
How about this one.  Megadeth is bad arse.  But this album is what started me on my "journey".
Check out the lyrics at 2:00 into the video.
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-14-2009 11:23
This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.

WTF? :(
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-13-2009 23:56
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-14-2009 10:48 Edited 09-14-2009 11:09
LOL...the foreign press knew about it and were just about the only ones there reporting.

My Mom and Dad said there were 12 busses of 50 from their town, and they said the streets were packed curb to curb and the roar was loud....chanting "Hey Obama can you hear us now"...since they could not get heard at the town meeting, they kicked the volume up a notch.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-14-2009 11:54
Anytime Robert Gibbs starts a sentence with "I don't know..." (which is about 99% of the time) he is just being perfectly honest.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Didnt know about the tea Party?

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