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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Damn telemarketers
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 19:42
You know, it would be beneficial to these telemarketers to recruit people that can at least utilize the English language. I am pretty well versed in understanding people with accents from many countries when they are at least close to understandable. However, lately it seems that this is going south pretty rapidly.

I get a call just a little while ago from someone and I could only understand about 2 words out of every 20 they were speaking. The person starts to talk and tell me who he is and who he is representing. I could not understand him so I attempt to stop the conversation and inform him that I can not understand what he is saying. Well he does not want to take a break so I have to get forceful in my interruption of this conversation (term loosely used). I ask him who he is with, he repeats the unintelligible words. I say I still can not understand him so he thinks if he speaks in the same unintelligible manner only slower that will help. NOT! So after the fourth attempt I say that it would be best if they just remove me from the calling list. He ignores this request and continues to ramble on in the same manner. I say it again, please remove me from this calling list, he just keeps on rolling. By this time there are flames shooting out of my ears, smoke coming from the top of my head and I yell, STOP!!

He stops and I quietly tell him "Look, you obviously can not understand English any better than you can speak it. You need to immediately REMOVE ME FROM THE CALLING LIST!!!"

Note to telemarketers: If you are going to call me about something I did not request and probably do not want to begin with have someone who SPEAKS CLEAR ENGLISH call me so that I can understand who it is that is calling and whom they represent and what it is they are calling about. PERIOD. Damned disrespectful if you ask me.

Rant over.

Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-15-2009 19:49
I am on the national do not call list, and the very few that now dare try, I screen out with my caller ID.  If it is an unknown number or unknown preson, it goes straight to my voice mail and I just don't answer.  If they are an illegal call they won't leave a message.  I now live in relative peace.  Some will try every day for a couple of weeks, and then just give up, but in the event that one does get through, I firmly inform them of my do not call list registration and intent to prosecute all violators.  Then I go to the website and report them to the government since I have their number!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 19:54
I usually give the calls that do get through to my five year old and let him deal with them, he can talk their ears off. LOL I guess I need to find this website you refer to and register. Is there a charge for it?

Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-15-2009 20:01
No charge.  It works very well and is run by the government.  You can even register your work phone number to keep unwanted vendors away.  The only legal way for someone to call is if they ALREADY have an ESTABLISHED business relationship - ie you are an existing customer.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 20:18
Thanks!! I am going to utilize that. :-)

Parent - By ross (***) Date 09-15-2009 20:47
Also non-profits are exempt. Those are the ones that keep pestering me.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 09-15-2009 23:35
Register you cell number too all of them.  No charge.  I did like Obewan and took the number off caller ID and turned it into their complaints online.  It tells on their site about who is still exempt though but I turn them into the complaints line too :) 
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 09-16-2009 01:07
this is pretty funny,;hl=antitelemarketer

I just lay the phone down and let them talk thier mouths off, when they finally figure out no one is listening, the hang up LOL
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 22:52
Telemarketers usually hang up when you asked them how much for their sister, or tell them to make it fast, your late for an aids test.
Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 09-15-2009 23:03
Had a buddy of mine get into it with one of these guys.  They called his cell phone and after a heated exchange my buddy ask this guy in a "not so nice way toward a minority" how he got his cell phone number. Without missing a beat the guy says I hit the f** button on my phone and your number was the first one to pop up. We nearly pissed our pants funniest thing ever!! This guy obviously has had to deal with angry customers before.
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 09-16-2009 04:42
That's awesome!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Damn telemarketers

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