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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / RIP Mr. Swayze
- By vagabond (***) Date 09-23-2009 23:36
I know most (if not all) of us have at least seen the movie "Roadhouse" more than once.  What a great show!!!!  I ran across this and felt obliged to pass it on,  I hope at least one or two of you enjoy it as much as I did.  It made me think about where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going. . . . . . and that maybe it is about the journey and not the destination???

I know most if not all of us have over the years that I worked as a performer and with and around performers I oft heard a question repeated "Is there such a thing as magic?"  or more aptly "Do you believe in magic?"

I thought about this lately as I watch the TV and see the interest in the recent death of one of IMHO the greatest performers of all time, Mr. Patrick Swayze.  I find it interesting and noteworthy that the media gives as much (if not more) attention to the relationship and marriage of over 30 years to his wife.  Mr. Swayze and his wife broke all the rules when it came to a "Hollywood relationship" which quite simply means they stayed together.  They also were devoted animal lovers and had many dogs, cats and horses at their ranch dubbed "Rancho Bizarro" in California which is another uncommon "Hollywood" trait.

Some other facts worth mentioning about this couple is that they both donated large amounts of not only money but their time to many charitable organizations that did real good in the world for people and animals alike.  They chose to make their mark by helping people and also managed to stay out of the limelight while doing it,  unlike some others who obviously only contribute for personal fame or gain such as Mr. Sean Penn.  Mr. Swayze's wife was also on a fast track to fame when Patrick was discovered and it is a testament to their love that she was undeniably the force behind this great man.  Although she went on to do some mentionable things,  even by her own account perhaps her best contribution was the support of her partner.  How many people can honestly say they would have done the same??? 

So my answer is yes I do believe in magic. . . . . I believe in it because people like Mr. Swayze and his wife make me believe in magic.  Magic happens every day,  the question is whether or not you are paying attention.  It doesn't happen on stage in Las Vegas, or at the circus (those are illusions).  It happens when a child opens their eyes for the first time to a new world,  it happens when you play fetch with a dog,  it happens when you teach a person something and they really get it,  it happens when a flower blooms, it happens when you perform a random act of kindness and it even happens when someone passes from this world onward.  I have been told by medical people that there is no explanation for why some people tend to form a smile shortly after taking their last breath yet I have personally witnessed it on at least one occasion.

I do believe in magic, I wish more people did.  But like so many things after a while we become absorbed in life and a lot of it becomes just "background noise" because we have so many "important" things to attend to.  I thank God every day that I came to a point where even as an adult I learned to "listen" to the planet and the universe around me.  Magic happens every day, every moment in every corner of the world but like a jewel that has yet to be polished it will go unoticed unless you take the time to look for it.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / RIP Mr. Swayze

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