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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nigeria???
- - By Superflux (****) Date 09-24-2009 04:11
Got a lead on a project coming up next year in Nigeria. Just wondering if anyone has been to that corner of the Planet. Dangerous place? Bizzare food? Or just another job? Would appreciate any advice, horror stories and is there BEER???
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-24-2009 06:55
I have been to Lagos, Nigeria
My best advice to you is: STAY HOME!!

It is a terrible place, the locals hates the oil companys (they polute like crazy) and expats "often" gets kidnapped.

Yes, plenty of beer and girls :) but as I said above, it is not worth it. Most of west africa is not worth it.

Having said this, there are thousands of expats working there, with no problems at all.
Every now and then I get offered a job in Lagos, which often pays very good - $18.000 a month.
When I am offered such a job, I always look at my 2 small children....and decide to stay home.

Do a search on the internet, I would imagine that there is forums for expats working there.

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-24-2009 09:12
As 3.2 has said there are forums on the internet with some good info.
Try, there are lots of Brits working there.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-24-2009 09:45
Are you on Shane?

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-24-2009 10:15
Yes, but I have a username.
This is the only forum that I feel OK with using my real name.
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 09-24-2009 13:41
I once looked at a job in nigeria. The money was going to be great and I was really concidering it  (until) go to the US embassy's web site for that area and you'll probably be blown away with what you will read. It's probably safer to go to Iraq than nigeria. The area I looked at was Warri. Good luck either way.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-24-2009 15:21
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-24-2009 16:29
3.2, Shane, Bryon and pipeslayer
Thanks for the info and links. Will start researching these tonite after work. Please PM me with any specific details of horror stories.

When I mentioned this to my daughter, she said "does Proof of Life ring a bell??".
I've been warned about Detroit, Toronto, East L.A., Tiajuana, etc yet managed to party like rock star and live to tell the story.

But! I keep thinking if it were all that bad, no one (expats) would be there...

Anyways, if I decide to go, sounds like I'm gonna have to get Rosetta Stone and learn to speak Brittish. Them fellas sure do talk funny....
"We are similar People, seperated by a common language" Winston Churchill
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 09-24-2009 17:28
I have no gory details but nigeria is in an uncivil state. per the embassy there are gureillas running around to rob, beat, assalt, rape, and even kill. I dont remember the exact #s but in the last 3 yaers there were 150+ attacks on workers and yes some even killed. Lots of people work there and they do OK where they are. Where will you be and will it be one of the safe positions.PM me and maybe I could tell you a few jobs that could accomplish the same without risking your life.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-24-2009 22:39
I work for FMI and we just opened a new Copper/Cobalt mine in Africa(DRC). I have two of my people there now and they have to be escorted anywhere they go when not on the mine site. Rebels daily hijack trucks delivering or hauling out material from the mine, they even have armed guards in the trucks... It is very hostile there and there was a bombing at the Hotel that they stay at when they are traveling to or from the mine. Several Americans were killed in the blast. I refused to go and I will not even consider it. I make enough money to pay my bills and eat here in the states and I get to see my kids every weekend. These guys are raking in the cash but it is just not worth the risk for me.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 09-25-2009 03:46
I had a friend that went there to be safety on the rigs, she said 2 of her friends got killed by locals while she was there.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-26-2009 18:35
But I've known workers get killed by "the locals" right here in the U.S.
Thanks for all the input. Some projects are inherently dangerous for a variety of reasons and that's why we make the BIG BUCKS right?
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 09-26-2009 21:16
Well, you asked if it was dangerous, and were told it is. If you didn't care, why did you ask?
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-27-2009 03:05 Edited 09-27-2009 03:12
Oh but I do care. What makes you think I don't.  I am interested in the particulars of how your friends' co-workers met their demise... ie. were they abducted off the jobsite, from the airport? This is the type of information I am wanting to aid in my evaluation of the dangers.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 10-03-2009 17:40
I personally am not opposed to going to Nigeria myself and spent a good part of my life in west africa as a kid Ghana to be exact traveled all over the place without a problem. I am sure things have changed a bit since I was last there but would love to go back so if their still hireing or if you want a partner let me know. The risk may be high but thats why you get he big bucks.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-05-2009 16:29
Superflux, don't worry about it.  As soon as the "son of the King of Nigeria" contacts me to pay me my $3,000,000 for loaning him the money to get his $300,000,000 inheiratance, I'll ask him to watch out for you.  I'm sure he can do that.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 10-05-2009 22:21
Your not helping those troops get saddams money out of iraq are you?  they told me it was on the down low.  Just needed my address and some other personal info  "for shipping"  said they cut me in for helping them out!  I'll be hanging the leads up any day now!
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 10-16-2009 19:18
do you people receive that kind of e-mails also in the USA? I've received dozens of them here in Brazil.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 10-19-2009 16:19
I guess I'm a little more surprised you get them in Brazil, are they in english? or portuguese? Those scams are all too common in e-mails.

That and the ones that say you've won the internet lottery just give them a bank account number to wire the money to...
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-24-2009 01:07
I apologoze for not responding sooner.  I've been working out of town and had not much time for internet.

Yes we get them in the USA.  I think everyone worldwide has gotten at least some emails like that.  I think "world wide web" also means world wide spam.

Chet Guilford
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 10-26-2009 16:39
You welcome, Chet, you don't need to apologize.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By Smokin_1 (**) Date 10-16-2009 16:50

note the 27 pipeline welders needed, so if ur hungry.......


From: Wong Yan Yi []
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:06 AM
To: Wong Yan Yi
Subject: Openings for Marine positions in Nigeria

We currently have the below openings for our client in the marine and offshore engineering industry, and would like to enquire your interest.   

You will be working on a Pipe lay vessel.

1)      Anchor foreman x 4 (ASAP)

2)      Pipeline / Structural welder foreman x 2

3)      Barge foreman x 4

4)      Crane operators (experienced with Lay barge cranes / no crawler cranes) x4

5)      Pipeline Welders x 27

6)      Senior Tower Operators x 2 (ASAP)

7)      Tower Operators x 4 (ASAP)

8)      Tension Operators x 3 (ASAP)

Basic Info

Work location in Nigeria
Pipelaying Barge project
12 months contract, subjected to extension 
Rotation shift to be confirmed
Salary to commensurate with your experience (Please advise in day rate in USD)
Single status expat benefits, i.e. living allowances, medical and insurance benefits and all mob / demob costs will be provided


Info Required

-          Expected Salary

-          Last drawn salary

-          Earliest availability / Notice period required

Please submit a copy of your latest updated CV, advising the info required as above.

Should you be unavailable to take up this position, kindly forward this email to any keen counterparts.

* We regret to inform only short listed candidates will be notified.

Ms Wong Yan Yi
Technical Recruiter

Oilfield Workforce International
700 Beach Road #03-03 Singapore 199598
Tel: +65 6391 0924, Fax: + 656396 8630

International Manpower Solution for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Energy Industries
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 10-16-2009 17:05
What's hungry got to do with it? We all work for one of 2 reasons.
It is always about which job offers the most, first.

Thanks for the lead. In this sluggish economy, every tip helps.
BTW, I just want to get as far away as I can from my Ex wives. Too old for the NASA mission to Mars ...
Parent - By Smokin_1 (**) Date 10-17-2009 14:48
let us know how it turns out
Parent - By ProWeld Date 12-08-2009 19:47
Need or Greed??? hehe, playing WOW?
Parent - - By Smokin_1 (**) Date 11-09-2009 09:28
anyone followed up up this?
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 11-09-2009 16:45
Project not kicking off till 2010. As everything not only in the USA, but worldwide, budgets are getting cut and start dates are being pushed back or "put on hold indefinately".
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 11-09-2009 22:32
was that info from the agency posted above or from the employer it self??? Cause as you you know if it's ago I'm good to go.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 11-10-2009 04:09
Not going through a recruiter.
Parent - - By ProWeld Date 12-08-2009 20:18
Hello everyone. I know how dangerous these places are. I have worked in 15 countries, including South Africa, The Gambia(same time the genocide was in near by Sierra Leonne), La Guinea,2 yrs. Also Saudi 1 year, and Qatar 5 mo. All on the ground in country. When I was in Saudi it was the worst year for terroist attacks in its history. And other countries like Argentina ect which were fine. ILL GO ANYWHERE AT THIS POINT, EVEN TO THAT MINE. LOL.Get a weapon from the locals, and stay aware 24/7. Its basically the same as pioneers and cowboys, the went to the frontier to start a new life, despite the risk of bandits and Indians. Although we are professionals 100% , sometime, gotta take the risk.
Parent - - By Smokin_1 (**) Date 12-09-2009 15:06
welcome to the forums my friend.
Parent - By Smokin_1 (**) Date 01-17-2010 22:57
Anyone ever find out the name of the company? or the time off schedule? Just curious.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nigeria???

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