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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / G-20 Summit
- - By johnnyh (***) Date 09-25-2009 19:28
Henry, have you met the prez yet?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-25-2009 22:41 Edited 09-25-2009 23:21
Hi Johnnyh!

Are you serious??? They wouldn't let me get within a mile of that guy!!! They know how I feel about BOTH PARTIES!!! They don't want to come down with a case of heartburn if I was given a chance to share my views with them... Although I can see Air Force One not far from my house which is very close to the airport... You know, maybe they will let me get closer than a mile towards the President but, I think I'll just sit home and watch him on TV and get heartburn listening to his news conference instead... How Ironic Huh???

If I could just let him know that the easiest way to fix the economy is to get the money to the people first... Let's say a million a piece to every citizen, and then they're all on their own from now on WOW!!! Would that send the economy skyrocketing for sure!!! Anyone who spends it all and is left with nothing afterwards is sh!t out of luck because if they cannot spend it as well as invest it wisely then too darn bad!!! Then they can never again say that the government didn't give them a helping hand!!! ;)



Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 09-26-2009 02:55
I'm not sure a million "american dollars" will be worth much in 2012.  Since we're printing it 24-7!!    Besides have you seen all those shows on people who have won the lottery they are either broke now or miserable.........Not to metion if you gave me a million henry my ex-wife would just find a way to take it from me,  I would prefer a shop with a million dollars worth of tools in it!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-26-2009 03:05
AMEN to that. I'd like to have a million bucks but if you don't mind I will earn it. Then I'll I know how to deal with it.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-26-2009 04:36
Hi Low hydrogen!

I would defer you to my joke : The Cowboy and the Genie!" emphasizing the moral of the story!!! :) :) :) I would rather get screwed by the government knowing ahead of time what the consequences are so that can avoid ending up like a tampon on a string!!! If most folks cannot understand that after they've been forewarned of the consequences ahead of time unlike the way some business do, then it's their own fault for not paying enough attention because I would make darn sure that they would become inundated with strings attached beforehand in order to receive the money beforehand and would be trained in using the best practices of saving as much as possible and written justification if the people start to spend too much, too soon, too fast so that the government entity can regulate just how much is spent at one time because after all it is in our best interest to do so in order to tax as much as we can so that the revenue streams from all that money being spent is not disrupted, and that money goes straight to social security and medicare to pay off their I.O.U's as well as a freeze on any future benefits by the virtue that anyone on it at the time of disbursements of one million to each and every individual on medicare would no longer be classified as eligible because of their new found wealth while eliminating medicaid all together since the poorest would no longer to be able to claim as being indigent also!!!

Saving the government millions of dollars over the time these folks are no longer being covered by these programs and would not become eligible again unless a pre-determined amount of time would pass before enough money is saved from each individual being off these programs by the government via a multitude of different formulas that would severely punish an individual for not being prudent in using their personal stimulus money that was designed to lift them out of poverty in the first place!!!

Will the plan be perfect and fair for everyone??? HELL NO!!! but then again, where does it say in the constitution that life must be fair???
I know one thing for sure, if you attach enough strings to it, and offer it with enough strings attached, the government will be able to have a greater success rate in stimulating most folks personal wealth as well as the economy as a whole, provided that there are also mechanisms in place to control interest rates from rising due to runaway price increases from suppliers of raw materials, food stuffs, and durable goods...

In other words, the only way that this could work is to make darn sure that the big corporations are put on board with the understanding that if they all of sudden decide to raise prices so fast under the guise of supply and demand excuses, that they would be heavily penalized tax wise, and would no longer enjoy certain tax loopholes should they decide to become too darn greedy as some might be tempted to do so as a result of their eyes popping out of their own sockets by the potential profit margins they would think that they could impose in their pricing mechanisms!!! ;)

So in essence, if the money being offered to individuals is abused, the folks who abuse it are sh!t out of luck for a certain amount of time until they could no longer be deemed capable of controlling their own finances, and would then be put under the auspices of an agency - yes another government agency but, one that would actually help those to become financially independent as well as hurt those who would abuse the personal stimulus system package they would only recieve after they completed and passed the course by a certain score in order to receive the money, and they would be video recorded to prove that they were not coherced in any way shape or form to take the money, knowing full well of the consequences should they abuse and spend the money with no means of potentially recouping some of their losses...

In other words the consequences of failure would be so airtight that there would  be no way to find a loophole to take advantage of the system, and anyone caught taking advantage of the system who worked for the agency would automatically be decaptitated and turned into dog or cat food without as so much of a blink of the eye, and they would only be afforded one trial only and not the benefit of due process that the rest of the citizenry would enjoy!!! ;) ;) ;)

Finally if anyone is caught red-handed abusing the money intentionally, would also become dog or cat food without any benefit of due process also!!! In other words, Americans would have to change their ways and be forced to become fiscally conservative whether they like it or not because, theri lives depended on it!!! :) :) :)

Incentives would also be needed to keep the system in place and showing the public the potential rewards for being fiscally conservative by offering rewards for doing so such as a tax amnesty for a certain amount of quarterly reporting periods by proving to the program just how frugal they're handling of the initial investment given to them by the government agency in charge of the program!!! ;) :) :)

Anyone vocally against the program would automatically be forced into government imposed exile into a third world country or to any other of the developed G-20 nations until they could prove to the agency by passing a battery of tests in order to be eligible fro acceptance back into the US, and would only be given one half of what was originally alloted for the individual in the first place!!! In other words totalitarism with a twist!!! :) ;) :) What a wonderful world it would be!!! :) :) :) So vote for me and I'll set you free - well sort of!!! :) :) :)


Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 09-29-2009 20:34
I didn't mean to start a political thread.  I thought the G-20 summit had something to do with Gatorade. :(
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-29-2009 22:43
Well, "ya can't always get what ya want!!!!" :) :) :)
And in this place ya can't get too picky either so, that just the way it is - besides, you're the one that started the thread so, maybe next time you'll know more ahead of time just exactly what it is you're asking about - CAPECHE??? Ya know what I mean??? It's like the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! "

In any event, the G-20 summit is over, and everyone is out of Pittsburgh finally and I can again go downtown, and enjoy the city as it really is as opposed to some terrible incarnation of a ghost town which is what they meaning the powers that be - turned it into because of the friggin stupid summit!!! I'm just glad that they're all out of here, and I couldn't care less if they never come back here again just on account of all of the traffic jams they caused alone!!!

I wouldn't mind having the Olympics here, because then there will be some real money to be made with something like that coming here to the "Burgh!" And besides, there wouldn't be any of that crime that we see happening in Chicago on regular basis these days either!!! Nope! I don't think Chicago has a chance in hell to win the right to have the 2016 olympics in their city just on that reason alone!!! however, The Prez seems to think that he can convince them (The IOC - International Olympic Committee) otherwise which if they fall for his BS and pick Chicago, then they would be most definitely dumber than a paper bag full of rocks IMHO!!! The "Burgh" would be a much better place to have the Olympics than Chicago, and Dallas-Ft. Worth would be also in fact, there are probably more than ten cities in the US that would be better candidates than Chicago!!!

And if you don't like how, or where this conversation is going then don't ask me another question because you just never know what I'll end up talking about next - PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!! ;) ") ") Remember this, I'm on some of the world's most powerful drugs prescribed to me by my doctors which means all kinds of side effects may be happening to me during any time of the day so, don't expect anything except something other than a normal conversation with someone like me!!! ;)

Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 09-30-2009 12:40
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-30-2009 16:17
"And if you don't like how, or where this conversation is going then don't ask me another question because you just never know what I'll end up talking about next - PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!! "

If people don't want an answer, the question shouldn't be asked to begin with. CAPECHE??? :-)
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 09-30-2009 20:55
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / G-20 Summit

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