I have been looking for the coupon requirements per ASME IX for testing on 2"xx. I wanted to find the size and location of the coupons for welder performance testing. This is for student practice, not for a code application, but i would still like to pull the coupon sizes and locations correctly with code. I have looked over QW462.2 and QW462.3 for this information, but am not finding what i want to know. My question is at what thickness/diameter should i go from transverse root and face bends to side bends? I tend to think on .436" thickness, that side bends would be in order. QW 452.1 shows 2 side bends or one face and root bend. Location of these coupons would then be my next question. Everything i have found (location wise) is for four bend specimens. Perhaps i am not looking in the best location for the information.
Again, this is just for student practice but i would like to run it like a code performance test. I found in d1.1 table 4.11- 4 side bends in the 6g position, but i assume this weld would be more common for an ASME application.
By the way, these two students are running GTAW roots and hot passes. Would it be more common to see this filled and capped with 7018 than tig? I assume so, but am not real familiar with this type of work-mostly structural.
thanks in advance for any guidance