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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 31-1 certifications
- - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 10-01-2009 04:58
I tried searching on aws' website but came up with nothing.  There is this job posting saying welder must have these in hand and I am not familiar with this.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-01-2009 07:13 Edited 10-02-2009 01:18
Are you talking ASME Section IX, B31.1???

If this is the case then it's no wonder you cannot find it in the AWS site!!! Why??? Because it falls under ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)Section IX welding code and not AWS! None of this information will be available to for free either so, be prepared to purchase the ASME Section IX welding code and the ASME B31.1 power piping code.

Here's a link to where you can purchase and you can also find ASME section IX in here for sale also:

Now, if all you need is to get a certification for this code, you'll have to find a testing facility near your location and prior to doing this, you need to know exactly what type of pipe, metal grade, wall thickness, diameter, and take the test in the 6G position which may run you a few hundred dollars but, if you're going to work for someone that has to qualify you to their WPS's then, shoot!!!

Let them qualify you in the first place because that certification is only worth the price of admission towards the next job so you can qualify to their WPS's anyway so, the certification only lets the potential employer that you have the capability to pass a similar test when you qualified, but it doesn't mean anything more afterwards and most companies will require you to qualfiy to their own WPS's anyway.

So, if they do not want to let you qualify then, you need to find someone that will, because most folks today are looking for experienced welders who have current experience welding to that code and that's what they mean by having it in hand.

If you go over there and tell them that you're not certified to that code, yet ask them if you can qualify to their WPS's then, you'll be fine... If not, then you need to go down further on down the road so to speak but, hey man don't give up on account of one place not giving you a chance!!! There are a lot of opportunities out there if you look in the right places and are willing to make a real full time effort in seeking them!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-01-2009 12:41
Could somebody explain to me what a 31.1 certification would be?
Parent - - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 10-01-2009 13:54
Thank you Henry.  It was late last nite when I posted that and just tried lookin it up on aws and found nuthin.  Then crasehed in my bed.  Yeah the company that posted this job is about all they said was must have 31.1 certification in hand.  NO B or ASME in front of it nothin.  As soon as you said Section IX I knew pretty much all that you were going to tell but thanks anyway.  They have already filled the position some how at 8 this morning.  Not sure I wanted it being as they only want to pay 12 to 14 an hour.  Yikes!!
Parent - By paul prill (*) Date 10-01-2009 21:15
Both B31.1 and 31.3 require welders qualified to ASME section IX. B31.1 and B31.3 are codes of construction, Section IX is a reference code. Construction codes are the codes that something is built to, a reference codes are what we refer to to qualify welders and qualify procedures and the related variables.  The NDE people use ASME section 5 to refer to for how the NDE work is to be done and qualifying those people, and formulating the written practice for the NDE procedures. You need to get more info from the company, an independent agency cant really qualify you, the testing has to be done under the supervision and witness of the employer, manufacturer or contractor, after you pass the test then they sign the paperwork and you are now certified by and for that employer. (they are responsible for your work), When you go to another ASME code shop you will have to test again to their procedure and when you pass they sign the paperwork and you are now certified by them. Transfer of qualification from one employer to another is allowed but is clumsey to say the least. Most former employers wont give up the certs they paid for to the competition and most QC guys want to test you to see if you are really qualified.
There really isnt a generic weld cert that can travel with you for ASME work.
B31. 1 is the power piping code, for steam over 15psi and B31.3 is the process piping code, chemical plants and the like.
hope this helps somewhat.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 31-1 certifications

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