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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Expired CWI ????
- - By eekpod (****) Date 10-08-2009 10:27
So I'm cleaning out my wallet yesterday to get ready to go on vacation today, and I find my CWI wallet card.  I glance at the date and lo and behold it expired in Sept 2009, and its already October!!
I never received anything in the mail telling me to submit the payment for re-certification.  Looks like a I have a little project to get on before I leave for a long weekend.
Generally AWS is good at asking for money, I'm surprised this got missed.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-08-2009 11:17
Aw!...I'm telling


I was getting pretty anxious too waiting for my renewal stuff to show up, thankfully it hadn't slipped my mind or I wouldn't have had time to get my ducks in a row before the deadline for my 9yr renewal. So will you now have to retest to get your CWI back?
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-08-2009 11:55
  AWS states that it is your responsibility, regardless of if you do or do not receive the notification, to keep track of your renewal date.

The good news is, and I do not know when this took effect, there is a 60-day administrative extension period . If you hustle, you will not have to retest. :-)

"Please note that it is your responsibility to renew your certification before it expires. If you fail to renew before the expiration date,
your certification is expired on your expiration date. If you exceed the 60-day administrative extension period (from your expiration
date) to renew, you will not be allowed to renew your certification and you will be required to test on all three parts of the Welding
Inspector examination to be recertified."

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 10-08-2009 13:22
Good news, apparently I did send the check in back in APril and forgot about it.(gotta stop paying bills and drinking rum and cokes together)
They didn't send me my cert because of a mixup in the office, but I'm good to go, it's in the mail.
Good thing there is that 60 day grace period either way.
thanks guys.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 10-08-2009 14:35
I hope it's Meyers Rum!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Expired CWI ????

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