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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Section IX short course
- - By spots (**) Date 10-15-2009 18:10
I will be attending the ASME Section IX short course in Houston on October 26-28.

Is anyone else attending or has anyone else attended this course?
Parent - By spots (**) Date 10-16-2009 17:36
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-19-2009 20:06
What sort of info are you looking for?
Parent - - By spots (**) Date 10-20-2009 12:24
My company is shelling out about $1,500 plus expenses, I was wondering if it was worth the cash.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-20-2009 19:34
Depends on how much you know about Section IX. I've never taken the course but I know the instructor. You will not find a more knowledgeable instructor. Walt is Vice Chair of Section IX, as you may have already discovered, and has been involved in IX for many many moons. You will get straight answers to all your questions. But the course, as I understand it, is geared for the basics (though Section IX has a lot of basics). Just what you should expect in the time frame.
As I stated in another thread, you will get out of it what you put into it. I would highly recommend it if an understanding of IX is what you need.
Of course we have a Section IX guy that frequents this forum and his advice is free.   :)
Parent - - By dlmann (**) Date 10-21-2009 00:35
I took the ASME short course for Section IX in Chicago in 2006 with Walt Sperko.   Mr. Sperko presents a fine course as he will explain the code and the reason things in the code exist .  I have had another code clinic for section IX where the instructor basiclly just read from the code.  When things came up his answer was "the code dosen't allow that".  Mr. Sperko raised the bar by explaining why something is or is not allowed by Section IX.  This course is well worth your time.
Regards, Donnie Mann
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 11:27 Edited 10-21-2009 11:29
I would have asked for, no demanded a refund if the presenter/ instructor answered questions in that manner. Now a short course with Walter Sperko is well worth the costs as he goes out of his way to not only clarify issues, but also is probably one of the most informative individuals who knows more about ASME section IX and all of the other sections as well as bringing many years of experience to the classroom which is invaluable IMHO!!! ;)

He also has a talent that is absolutely necessary which is the ability to articulate in a manner where just about everyone in the class can clearly understand the context of his presentation and for myself personally, doesn't waste time conversing about irrelevant topics which have nothing to do with the primary reason one attends a short course in the first place!!!

Yes Sir!!! If Walter Sperko is doing the short course then, you are definitely in for a course that will be well worth it!!!

Parent - By spots (**) Date 10-21-2009 20:25
Thank you very much gentlemen, that is what I wanted to hear.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Section IX short course

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