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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Use of Prequalified WPS's
- - By jsdwelder (***) Date 10-20-2009 14:37
I have a question about WPS's and performance testing. In the D1.1 section on Prequalification of WPS's it states that welders that use prequalified WPS's shall be qualified in conformance with section 4(I amooking at a 1996 edition because my latest editon is a home, but I know this is still true in the latest edition) To me this would mean that one could not write a prequaliifed WPS say with 7018 on 1" plate ,3G for the purpose of testing a welder's performance because prior to passing the performance test they are not qualified with section 4. Am I reading this wrong?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-20-2009 14:51
I think your merging "procedure" and "performance" qualifications in your head  :)

The performance testing methods, criteria etc. for welders is found in section 4 eh?  All the suggested test's and alternates as well as the bend radius etc....  This is what they are talking about.

Use the prequalified WPS  Test to "performance" criteria in section 4

Clear as mud?
Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 10-20-2009 15:07
I got ya. Section 4 specifies "how" they are to be tested. I was reading it to mean that they needed to already be qualified in order to use a prequalified WPS
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 10-20-2009 15:21
I think you are looking too hard Clause 3 gives the applicable requirements of writing a WPS that through its conformance to Clause 3 conditions has been proven to be prequalifiable.
Clause 4 is used to Qualify a WPS that is not prequalifiable by Clause 3, Performance Qualification of welder, weld operator and tack welder, and requirements for CVN Testing.
Clause 4 Part C tells of the requirements of personnel qualification. To qualify personnel you must either use a prequalified WPS or in Qualifying a wps to Clause 4  the welder qualifies if the procedure Qualifies I hope this helps more than hurts
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Use of Prequalified WPS's

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