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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / webisodes on welding and safety
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 13:38

I haven't watched them all yet, just saw it in a welding mag and thought that I would share. I think Amanda makes these guys nervous....LOL
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 14:26
I agree!!! LOL :) :) :) She's a bit taller than both of them (AMAZON WOMAN IS INTIMIDATING TO ME YIKES!!! ;) ;) ;) ), and then at times they tend to repeat themselves of what they just said like for instance; The older instructor is describing the different type of welding gloves and as he describes the GTAW gloves he states something along the lines of: "They need to be thin so you can feel more delicate items such as the welding rods and the filler rods as well."

And the description and explanation as to the use of the different gloves in general were not very well explained either because as the older instructor mentions: "The MIG gloves are used for wire welding and they tend to be thinner than the stick welding gloves because stick welding is generally hotter" or something along those lines...

Well, I'm sorry but, I don't agree with that generalization especially when one is using Spray arc transfer, or metal cored, or even Flux cored so, I thought that the explanation was creating an environment that could potentially cause much confusion amongst the students later on and especially during a quiz when a student would have to chose for example a correct answer based ona choice from multiple choice answers that would best describe the reason for using different gloves and they would base their answers from the information being described to them by the instructor when more than likely, a totally different and more specific description would be provided by the book they would be using for reference.

I personally think that they could have reviewed what they said first before airing the sesion online just in case there were any areas that might lead to confusion amongst someone viewing the video. ;) I'll go back view the other two and give my two cents worth on those as well. ;)

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-21-2009 14:47
Hey I watched the GMAW short/vid and It was my neighbors to the south, the instructors at Rock Valley Technical College!

Making perfectly technically accurate video is a huge production..  I think they are doing great, especially with the long unbroken shots.  With or without a script it's a bigger task than you might think.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 14:56
I've done them myself Larry and that's why there is a feature called: EDITING!!! :) :) :) LMAO!!! ;)

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 15:07
Hey me I know, I'm terribly nervous in front of any audience. I hate to give talks to the groups here at work. I tend to be a bit more at ease when talking one to one. When I stand up, my mind sits down, so I know exactly how these guys feel while trying to explain without rambling or running rabbits. One problem is knowing how much info to present when you don't know how much the audiance knows about the subject matter. I find myself back tracking alot to cover items that I think are general knowledge....especially as I see nods of understanding, agreeing with me while I'm speaking, yet find the lines of questions afterwards show a real lack of understanding. I can only imagine how that might be when there are no nods, only a quiet camera with a red light "on", indicating that it's recording....
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-21-2009 15:38
You should try it sometime there John!!! ;) It's not that intimidating if you've been in front of a class as many times as myself or Larry has been over the years... You just need to pretend that you're recruiting someone who has already had some fundamental training which in itself would keep you on your toes in order to make sure that you are articulating accurate and concise information that covers the most common situations and like I said before... There's always the "Editing" feature if you don't like what you see before you post it online.. Kind of like what we use here but only in video form. :) :) :)

Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 10-21-2009 16:44
Very cute.  My favorite line:  "It stinks to high heaven, and so then you can go ahead and tell that somebody's on fire."

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / webisodes on welding and safety

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