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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Need Help Quick!!!
- - By DaveP66 (*) Date 05-03-2002 00:41
I just started my class on going for my CWI. My instructor asked me if i was color blind. I said yes. And in my sheet that i have to send off, It has a section to test visual accuity. I can see fine. I have taken these color blind tests before and fail them pretty bad. But it has not hindered me before. My wife and i went around the house and she tested me on various things...i only missed like 1 or 2 colors out of like 20.

Are they going to not let me get my CWI because of this? I heard of special glasses that you can wear..will they let me where them when needed or to take the test. And finally. Is there any way around this.?

Thank you,
David P
Parent - - By jfolk (**) Date 05-03-2002 14:03
I to am color blind in one of the color blind acuity spectrums. I am a CWI and CWE. Your eye doctor will verify your condition and it will be noted on your wallet certificate. However, being color blind does not disqualify you from being certified as a CWI.
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 05-07-2002 23:21
jfolk is correct. Your wallet card (when you pass) will denote the visual "handicap" much like a drivers license.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Need Help Quick!!!

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