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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / insurance
- - By weaver (***) Date 11-02-2009 22:17
hi guys, i need to change liabilty insurance carriers asap.  I thought ive seen an outfit from ok or tex mentioned before.. Please let me know .. regards shannon
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 11-02-2009 22:49
Weaver, there's a guy that knows alot about getting set up rigging out, and he has a 1st rate insurer that helps the guys down south out. His name is Cactus and as long as you swear allegiance to Lincolns' Vantage he'll help you out. LOL.  PS. GO STEELERS SUPERBOWL DEFENDING CHAMPS.
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 11-03-2009 00:35
i've been rigged out for seven years now.  I have a stainless pipepro.  maybe i can change the stickers , if that will help lol.  My current insurance comapny blows..  any help would be helpfull cactus..
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-03-2009 00:38
call Vivian Moore @361-485-1901 or you can Call my Agent. Her name is Kristi 903-873-3131. Tell them Cactus sent you !
Parent - - By leterburn (**) Date 11-03-2009 13:32
I use American Insurance out of Minot - you're in Williston right?  Talk to Eva Biddinger - they underwrite for Berkley Insurance.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 11-03-2009 14:01
thanks cactus and lucky, lucky hows minot and the patch treating you..  You pipelining or rig welding?
Parent - - By leterburn (**) Date 11-03-2009 14:21
Actually....  moved to Mobile, AL - found the one that got away and picked up where we left off 16 yrs ago!  She's a helluva woman and ImaLuckeguy - things are great here, cool in the morning at 50F+ degrees - and I'm not missing the cold and wind yet. 

I've been here less than a week not including the time it took to drive so still hooking up the key points of the welding world, LWS'rs, steel sales, etc..   anyone else down here in the Mobile area???

I'll prob end up starting up some welding / fabrication on the side here....  as pipelining seems to be even less frequent here than ND this summer.  There seems to be a fair amount of work available if one chooses to work for less wages than I'm accustomed but believe a fabricating business is more up my alley at this point than working for wages. 

I did turn down a couple weeks worth of work prior to my move - it was just time to go.  Work was picking up compared to last spring though and no one had dropped their rates so it was still good money.  There's been pipelines that friends have told me about but my situation I had there in Minot was tough to beat as far as rates went - tough to work for half pay and full time when you can work full pay and half time.. you know?

I have a fairly substantial knowledge / experience base stored in my head so I'm not greatly concerned as far as work goes - just need to see a demand and jump on it.  If you're ever wanting to get out of the cold and snow this winter (remember last winter???) come on down - sure is nice weather now (not sure about the summer yet for this Northern guy)...   well, later - take care - DL
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 11-03-2009 14:28
any leads for pipeline or compressor stations around the area, i do alot of wellheads and rig work trying to "branch out" regards shannon
Parent - By leterburn (**) Date 11-03-2009 15:19
I did mostly pipeline - some work for Whiting - XTO - subbed through other contractors - of course, Hess is still rolling out there - have a buddy on a compressor station down around Keene and others down around Parshall area.  Think they have offices in Tioga but prob Williston too - I never hunted it down too much - but it's out there. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / insurance

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