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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QW 420 Material Group S No. Qualified P No.
- - By dhannaro (*) Date 11-09-2009 04:21

I would to clarify that for QW 420 , in case of I'm qualified WPS/PQR for S-No. 10H  Group No.1  ( A 790 S32760 ) ,So can we weld for material P -No.10H Group No.1 (A 790 S32750 ) both super duplex material 25 cr,

Thank you for help,

Parent - - By jarcher (**) Date 11-09-2009 11:43
If I understand the question it is: We have a material qualified as an S number on the PQR, but it also has a P number counterpart so can we weld the P number based on the S number qualification? Under Section IX 2007 the answer is no. The test in the P number qualifies for both P and S, but testing the S number does not qualify the P. However, one of the worthies (I really can't remember who) posted recently that S numbers were going away. I assume this is for Section IX:2010. As I don't have copy of IX:2010 available yet, I can't confirm this. Welding P numbers based on a S number qualification may be allowable under IX:2010, but that would need to be confirmed from that revision. Sorry I can't give a more definite answer, but our department just ordered the 2010 and I don't expect it to arrive for a bit. There should be a few people around with the 2010 in hand.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-09-2009 16:09
;-)... one of the worthies, nice one John :)

Yes, in fact S Numbers are going away and in fact the provisions have already been there for many years if you read carefully QW-420.2.  For what its worth, I would have probably responded "yes" to the person asking the question but I kind of wanted to get at least one other response before jumping in :)
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 11-10-2009 00:34 Edited 11-10-2009 00:36
Not sure what "worthies" are, but here is what the revised table looks like:
Parent - By jarcher (**) Date 11-10-2009 02:09
So it appears, from the fact that that page's are titled A09, that the answer is yes. For some reason or another, I don't believe we received the 2009 addenda at our place. Probably some mail glitch up front. We could probably find it in some engineer's desk, but like I said, we just ordered 2010, although we really should have it for continuity.
Parent - - By petty4345 (**) Date 11-10-2009 18:55
So, with the "S" numbers gone --- what happens with past PQRs done on "S" number materials?
Are they now ok to write procedures for "P" number materials?
(of coarse including other code requirements)
Parent - By muhamad zuhdey Date 01-21-2010 03:57
Is it true? , S No are going away... so, how about API material which using S NO?... are they going to unassign?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QW 420 Material Group S No. Qualified P No.

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