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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / The cert is "on" and "Owned" by ???????????
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-22-2009 01:38
I hope this is a simple couple of questions and I think I can figure the response but I gotta ask anyway.

I have current AWS D17.1 certs in many alloys, lots of positions, thickness ranges from .018 to .500.   Ok I obviously did not pay for these ($$$$$).....My card for the FAA says I must surrender upon termination..Ok....I have all the papers in a binder with each qualification, test results, and all the required visuals to keep it current.    I was told by our Weld QA/CWI/CWE that this a lifetime cert as long as the visuals are maintained.  If I strike the company identity off the paperwork they do not have a problem with me keeping personal copies after I leave I just must surrender the card with all the stamps.

Is there any way I can keep these valid/alive after I leave their employ??  They "own em" therefore I cannot use them????  Sorry if it is a stupid question but some of these could prove useful for me in working for myself in contracting.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-22-2009 06:18

nobody is going to accept somebody elses D17 certs anyhow..

Keep photocopies of what you can... They will look nice stapled to your resume.

Your company T&Q printoff would be a good thing to have when you leave also.

How could you "use" your certs anyhow???... Any production needs PQR's under D17...  Certs are nothing in the D17 world without a WPS qualified by testing...  So freelancing on that qual would be problematic.

Anybody who hires you and needs Inco  Waspalloy or Titanium Certs will have the scratch to qualify you again.. 

Your skills are what they want after all... not the certs buddy.
Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 12-01-2009 20:02

The certification says that you passed a particular test on a particular day.  Most AWS or Military Codes/Specifications remain valid as long as you continue to weld with the tested variables within a certain time period, usually six months.  You need to keep up with your skills.

You could weld something per each cert within the time period and be considered certified.  Have your wife whiteness the welds.  Keep a time log.  Take pictures.  Keep welding using each cert that you have.  You are certified to what you tested to.

A new employer will probably want you to prove your skills with additional tests.

Good Luck,

Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 12-01-2009 20:07

The certification says that you passed a particular test on a particular day.  Most AWS or Military Codes/Specifications remain valid as long as you continue to weld with the tested variables within a certain time period, usually six months.  You need to keep up with your skills.

You could weld something per each cert within the time period and be considered certified.  Have your wife whiteness the welds.  Keep a time log.  Take pictures.  Keep welding using each cert that you have.  You are certified to what you tested to.

Lawrence is right.  A new employer will probably want you to prove your skills with additional tests.   What you have can't hurt you.

Good Luck,

Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 12-02-2009 19:24
the next company you work for will have to reCert you anyways. As Lawrence mentioned. I'm not staring at 17.1 but I'm looking at 1595 and 2219 right now and it makes it pretty clear that each welder has to be qualified prior to production welding.

It can be a useful resume tool.  I don't think there's lot of freelance work that's jobbed out for D17.1 due to qualification requirements so it's not useful as say a structural cert. Keep the extensive records for the next job. But besides that they are worthless
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-03-2009 06:29

Yep that basically in a nutshell is why there is virtually no contract welding jobs in aerospace....The contract company won't pay for the certs (how would they structure them anyway) and most companies are not willing to spend that kind of cash for temporary help to cert in house.   I know I will have to cert with anyone I took a job with.....I was just curious about maintaining them for use elsewhere working for myself.   After doing some reading they are invalid the minute my visuals become due anyhow....the visuals must be on a qualified production part...not even a repair...must be a production part.       Oh well

I got copies to convince the next recruiter that I can do what he needs and won't waste his that's good enough I rekon.

Thanks again fellas
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / The cert is "on" and "Owned" by ???????????

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