heard that a hacker found these emails (you know Bryon, like they hacked S. Palins personal email this year) between scientist that had evidence that the facts did not support global warming but hey, let's run wit it anyway. Don't let facts get in the way.....of science.
I haven't looked at these yet so I don't know if they contain the "good stuff"
I can't get the image of Al Bore yelling hysterically "He played on our fears" about Bush and the war.
Then he promotes so called global warming telling us that in a few decades if you go outside the flesh will melt off of your bones; if we don't buy carbon credits.
OK, slight embellishment. Slight.
Wonder if this gains momentum will the gubmnt still push "Cap and Trade" next year and tax us to death and give what little wealth we have left to Somalia or Paraguay to recompense them for our evil capitalist industrialized success at their expense.
I say they will.