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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 3.2 Inspector is gone
- - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 11-25-2009 07:48 Edited 11-25-2009 08:48

EDIT: Since the old fart has acused me of contributing with nothing, I have attached a document which might be usefull for someone.
Attachment: Proces_Inspection_Uden.xls (28k)
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-25-2009 09:05
And you were the one who said that I was so easily manipulated!!! ;) ;) :) Are you suggesting to us that you are indeed experiencing genuine feelings of a guilty conscience???
I am really skeptical about the sincerity of your sudden expression of remorse! ;)

What's really amazing is the fact that after all this time, you finally succumb to words of wisdom that do not originate from my own free will, but from my past mentors and for the first time you have actually contributed something someone or another may just want to use... How ironic indeed! ;)

Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 11-25-2009 11:04
3.2 Inspector
No one is perfect, It is each and everyone their own right to grow daily, learning through our mistakes is growth.
I try to but am only human and sometimes, usually more than less, fail. But I keep trying and one day with God's help with wisdom maybe I will turn those averages around.
Do what you will, I disagree with Henry a bit from time to time, his post below is one, I have read knowledgeable and subject oriented posts from you, But as we have conversed before, I do feel you enjoy yanking chains more than most and I wish you would give the forum your best information instead of your stirring agitation.
But Thank You for the Informative Posts and there have been more than one.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 3.2 Inspector is gone

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