No Doubt an obvious FRAME JOB!
Somebody died before they could get any real actionable intel out of the perp, so somebody else higher up in the chain got really pizzed about the lost opportunity for their folks to bask in the glory of thwarting some future terrorist plot which this turd probably knew something about... So what does this glory seeking administration official probably from Homeland Security do to get back at anyone connected with the unfortunate incident??? they quickly single out these fine warriors who are the US Navy SEALS instead of going after the CIA folks instead since Homeland Security, or whoever else it was doesn't have as much clout to pick on the "Company" like they can with uniformed personnel from the armed forces!!!
What should be interesting out of this whole process should be to see whether or not the Company will step up and back up the SEAL in their defense which i highly doubt they will since someones got to be the fall guy in this incident, and it looks like the SEAL's will be singled out in this situation!!! :( :( :(
WQhat really sucks is the fact that the NAVY Brass is giving in so fast to the outside pressure instead of defending these very special men who were no doubt performing their duty, and I don't doubt in my mind whatsoever that one of the CIA operatives were really responsible for this scumbag's premature death while in custody, yet there's only a slight mention of the obvious that the prisoner died where else??? Abu Ghraib of all places!!!
It sure reads as if there's not only a cover up going on, but also the proverbial passing of the buck towards these USN SEAL's by blaming the one SEAL with killing the PUKE by giving him a "love Tap" with the butt of his weapon which is totally exaggerated because a SEAL is so well trained that if he wanted to kill the prisoner, it would have been instantaneous!!!
Plus the fact that the terrorist was brought to a hospital afterwards to be treated for his injuries, then should really disassociate the SEAL with any connection to being the direct cause of this scumbag's death since they could have obviously treated the PUKE there, and kept him there for observation since they knew that the prisoner had suffered a so-called severe head injury instead of transferring him to Abu Ghraib IMHO!!! :( :( :( It reads like an obvious frame job on the USN SEAL who is the REAL HERO HERE!!!