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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Thoughts on the Chey - Tech M200 w/408 round
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-29-2009 09:06
That is one awesome sniper rifle if I've ever seen one, and ballistic computer is Wow!!! Do I ever want to get my hands on one of those to go out and play with!!! :) :) :)

Anyone had the honor to do so yet? It's supposed to be as close to perfect with a 408 round, and I'm wondering how well one could do with that 416 round Barrett designed ???

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-29-2009 13:11
Have not had that opportunity and likely will not unfortunately. I have played with the 416 barrett, but like the 50 cal variant I sold, it's range is simply to long for my area.
If your in the S.W., plains states, or Alaska, I could see any of the above being useful, but around here, it would be dangerous to shoot with the limited sight distances available.

Parent - By cmays (***) Date 11-29-2009 14:30
Very good ballistics. I wasnt completely impressed with it but all in all it was a good round. Its hard to find ammo for it unless you load your own. Ive got a 338 lapua Ive had success out to 1200 yrds with and the 408 seemed to have about the same ballistics with alot heavier trajectory ....I like that! My only problem with it is ammunition availibility. I do alot of shooting (hell I have my own range) so Ive got to have ammo to train with. Im working on a 50bmg right now  check out these guys      they make some pretty good rifles for the price and extremely accurate.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-29-2009 19:27
My Thought is this. I WANT ONE!!!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-29-2009 21:12
Henry, I will try to find the You Tube video of this rifle. They are doing a shot at over 2400 yards and it is DEAD ON !
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-29-2009 21:19
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-29-2009 21:22
And here is the Perfect new Shotgun for Duck Hunting
Parent - - By Sharp Tungsten (**) Date 11-29-2009 21:52
The aa-12 is cool but it is old news. I wonder why the discovery channel is talking like they are state of the art. The AA-12 and the Striker or Protecta have been around for nearly thirty years. They are tremendous weapons but nothing new. You want to see something groundbreaking and I really think this guy is on to something check out this If he gets some backing under an arms contract and smooth outs the cycling this will be the most feared squad automatic weapon available in my view.

As for the Cheytac .408 they were big news a couple years ago. I am still a J.D Jones man myself. That video of them shooting is not nearly impressive as Carlos Hathcocks shot on an NVA soldier at 2500 yards with a M-2 Browning machine gun. Much more impressive of a feat considering how much slop there is in a heavy machine gun compared to a bolt action rifle. Also the fact he had a 10 power Unertl compared to what looked like a Schmitt and Bender tactical in the video it could have been a Nightforce though don't qoute me. Definately looked like Badger Ordinance rings though.

Cactus if you are looking at a sniper rifle have you checked Accuracy International or Surgeon actions? They are awesome weapons and even the old reliable Barrett is hard to beat.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-29-2009 23:10 Edited 11-30-2009 01:12
I Had the chance to shoot a Barrett 50 BMG semi-auto last week. That was by far the COOLEST weapon I have EVER had the chance to fire. MY cousin owns it and has about 500 acres near my house. We are going to put an old junk car out there for a target.
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 11-30-2009 03:48
Seems like there was an army sniper that pulled off a 1700 yard shot on a soft target through a window with an M700 308. Think it was back in 07 in Iraq but I cant remember his name nor the unit he was with. Ill repost as soon as I can recall the info. Making shots like that with a big bore is one thing but try it with a 308 or 300 win mag, throw a little cross wind in there and now you have a challenge. Ive pushed my M700 out to the 1000yrd mark (about 43.30 MOA adjustment in elevation for my 308 round) with success but man it aint easy. My only advantage was a damn good spotter and a balistics computer. After making that shot with a 338 Lapua, its apples and oranges. Soon Ill be making it with my 50. As it is with all long range weapons, if uncle sam isnt buying it  it takes a little more time to aquire and to maximize your weapons potential you WILL spend as much or more that the rifle's worth on optics. It cracks me up when people buy these weapons and put junk on them for optics. Ofcourse 9 out of 10 of them couldnt score a hit one under any REAL pressure so I guess its not worth waisting the money any how.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 11-30-2009 05:36
50 cal   head shot lol

longest confirm kill is 7,972  feet    canadian  us ammo  == I've seen and read a few things on rob furlong'took him three shots,  was using us ammo (it was hotter than canadian) first shot was a miss, second one got some clothing, third one was a kill shot.  Mcmillan  Tac 50    750 hornady A-max

top ten sniper rifles
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Thoughts on the Chey - Tech M200 w/408 round

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