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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / About N2 usage at MAG or TIG
- - By TolgaKantaroglu (*) Date 05-20-2002 09:07
I have faced with a question " Can we use N2 (Nitrogen gas) with the concentration of 99,5% for MAG, MIG or TIG welding processes" As far as I know only for the root protection of TIG welding process it is possible to use Nitrogen. But other then this application I have no idea about the usage of Nitrogen gas. Any answer will be appreciated. Thank you.
Parent - - By Niekie3 (***) Date 05-20-2002 18:06
I have to agree with your assessment. Nitrogen is not good as a shielding gas, because you will form a great deal of nitrates in the weld, rendering it very brittle. For TIG, using nitrogen will result in the tungsten degrading very rapidly.

Nitrogen is sometimes used as a backing gas when welding stainless steels where it is difficult or impractical to purge with Ar. While this is a relatively common practice, I am not greatly in favour of it because I have my doubts about the quality of the internal weld surface.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - By TolgaKantaroglu (*) Date 05-22-2002 06:55
Thanks for the information.

Parent - - By apiguy (*) Date 05-21-2002 21:46

I have posted a similar question here that deals with using N2 as a backing gas on this site and on ENG A lot of good responses came up. search by my id "apiguy"... As for the quality of the root, none have passed x-ray with medium to large cracks being found. The material we are welding is super-austenitic though.
Parent - By TolgaKantaroglu (*) Date 05-22-2002 06:56
Thanks for the information.

Parent - By pdweldor (*) Date 05-22-2002 19:16
Nitrogen is never used as a welding shielding gas. In the heat of the welding arc it disassociates into atomic nitrogen and then can then combine with the metals to make nitrides as posted previously. Porosity is another problem associated with using nitrogen in shielding. A good reference on the topic is at Praxair. Their shielding gas selection manual talks about this.
Another note, if nitrogen is used as a backing gas, it should not be getting into the arc and therfore behaves inertly. N2 backing gas should only to be used with 300 series stainless steel (304, 316...), not other grades. It can cause real problems with other materials

For the shielding gas selection manual go to:

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / About N2 usage at MAG or TIG

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