Clearly Snopes is saying that only Walter Reed will not accept cards for their vets through the organization posted by Vagabond, BUT they will be accepted at every other Veterans hospital, and the Snopes opinion which is only an opinion, clearly states that the answer to theiquestion posed to them is "TRUE."
So just because Walter Reed Medical Center will not accept them from anyone but the Red Cross doesn't mean that if you use the other organization posted by Vagabond and Myself in a previous post, that your cards will not reach the service personnel anywhere else!!! Besides, we all know how well Walter Reed's track record has been of late, so it doesn't surprise me that they would be the only hospital todo this to the wounded soldiers as well! ;)
And the only reason that Snopes would make such comments regarding the smaller less complicated organization if compared to the Red Cross is because Snopes doesn't want to accept that this practically one man show can do just as much as an overstaffed department from the Red Cross which sounds like a whole lot of bias and skepticism from Snopes towards the more streamlined organization such as "A Recovering American Soldier."
Maybe he was one of the whistle blowers when that scandal broke out regarding the lousy treatment facilities @ Walter Reed, and so they're just showing retribution for not falling in step with Walter Reed's own PR department towards the smaller organization in the first place! Snopes actually says some rather good stuff regarding "A Recovering American Soldier," but not without bias towards the Red Cross because they simply think that bigger is better, and you know how well they also have such a controversial track record too!!! :(
IMHO, Walter Reed has dropped the ball on the returning wounded soldiers once again!!! :( :( :(