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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My Dilemma...also
- - By Dark_Angel (*) Date 12-11-2009 19:04 Edited 12-11-2009 19:15
So here is my dilemma, I put my resume online about 2 weeks on a Monday. Come Tuesday morning I got a call from a fellow who asked me to come work for him pending if I can pass a Hess test. Well I flat out told him that I would need more practice on it because it was a dozy of a test if you ask me (I made a separate post about it). So just a few days ago he calls and says the test has been postponed until this coming Wednesday and he would like to me to come there and at least see things, the town, his place of work, meet people and practice a bit. Which I said I would do no problem. He said if I don't feel comfortable taking the test so soon we can wait and he can put me on the payroll come the first of the month and practice each day until February when I could take the test.

Now moving over too when my problem comes into play I had also applied for a welding position with a coal mining company as a welder. They said they had a large amount of applicants come in and apply and that it would take 1-2 weeks to sort through them all and make a short list of 15 people they wanted to interview more in depth and have take a weld test. Then they would call back 5 of those 15 wit ha job offer. Well I applied on Wednesday and Thursday night I got a call to come interview and take a weld test.

Now both jobs pay well, the first one being 24/hr with benefits, 401k etc. The 2nd job paying 30/hr with no benefits and it is a seasonal welding job, but my friend who works there along with the company representatives told me if I can weld well enough, work hard and apply myself they would hire me on full time where I would get a bump in pay and benefits along with it.

Now I am not sure which to go with here because I know I can past the weld test for the coal company no problem. But the first job involving the pipe welding I would take that month to practice up on his payroll which is fine with both of us. The pipe job owner has been extremely understanding and able to work with me, working around things on my time, setting me up a place to stay while I am there etc. My question is which sounds like the better choice in your personal opinion because I am having a hard time with this because I don't just see the $$$. The coal company is huge while the pipe job is small and family owned. Also which job has the better future possibilities? I want to say that down the line becoming a better pipe welder would benefit me more but what do my fellow welders think?

Sorry it was such a long read but this is something that is important to me and the more opinions that I could get on this the better I believe.
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 12-11-2009 19:16
If you have a job that if for sure, I would go with that one.  Sucks when you think that there is a better job ( and there maybe), but you don't get it, and the one that was for sure has gone away (been there before).  IMO I would say, got to the one that you already have your foot in the door.  Better to work now for a little less than no work at all, and you never know it may pay more in the long run.

Charles Welch
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 12-11-2009 19:49 Edited 12-11-2009 20:03
it's impossible to answer the question for you. Not knowing the specifics or having sat in on the interviews i can't tell you what you'll be happy about. there's a lot more to ajob than just pay. althought 30/hr with no bennies would probably be less than 24/hr with.  Benefits are significant to some.

Having said that, what I looked out for in jobs is the nature of the work, would I be stuck doing the same thing everyday etc, the personality of my direct boss and coworkers. The work environment etc.

I got offered a few different jobs when searching, I didn't take the job that offered the most, I took the one that had the most interesting work and the best potential for being a good fit, also the intangibles like locations etc were important to me. It's easy to jump on something that looks good upfront some companies really butter up their image during interviews, saying if you put in just 8 unpaid overtime hours a week they'll surely promote you and all this work is coming down the pipeline etc. Once you get there you find out they have high employee turnover a terrible boss and they'll lay you off the first chance you get. I learned the hard way, at an interview I really make sure I'm interviewing the company.

I would at least check out the pipeline job, and personally I would take advantage to study and practice on someone else's dime. No one ever died from having too much practice and varied skills.

That's my 2 cents.
Parent - - By mightymoe (**) Date 12-11-2009 22:08
I just don't trust the first guy. Sounds too understanding to me. Don't go there to visit alone.
Parent - - By devo (***) Date 12-11-2009 22:22
Whereabouts in the country is this coal job?  Here in WV a surface mine nearby just laid off 482 guys, probably permanently.  Earlier in the year the largest surface operation in the state [Samples mine] was shut down.  Things aren't looking good in the short term for the coal industry, at least here in WV.  Lots of permits on hold until the EPA gets a good look at them.  The coal industry has a long and dark history and it cares about one thing, PRODUCTION.  Less than a hundred years ago, martial law was declared in several southern WV counties, federal troops were sent in, things got ugly.  <url></url>  That said, I myself would pick the family company over the coal job.  However, I also would take a job with a coal company right this second if they offered, jobs are pretty scarce here.
Parent - By Dark_Angel (*) Date 12-12-2009 17:06 Edited 12-12-2009 17:53
The coal mine job is in western North Dakota, as far as I know things are going full bore. They are in need of 5 full time welders according to my friend who works there so they are looking to hire on some full time welders. My health insurance is really low so paying that out of my pocket isn't all that bad and I don't need glasses or anything and my dental work consists of checkups basically. So the benefits are nice but at this time in my young life I don't see them as a necessity seeing as how I don't have a family of my own or anything like that to take care of at this time.

I most definitely plan on checking them both out this coming week so I will be putting some miles on my pickup :). I guess I just didn't see this happening where I had to choose between jobs ha.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 12-12-2009 19:12

Western Energy (open pit coal) in Colstrip, Montana is hiring 10 welders (dragline mechanics) 26.35/hr plus benefits. 40 hour (5x8 hr) day and swing shifts or 12 hr. rotation=about 42 hours.
Test is 3G X 1" plate 1/8" root and 5/32 fill and cap. Need to have dragline and other surface mining gear boxes, lube systems
Operating Engineers Locasl 400 union shop $620 initiation and $73.75/monthly dues.
2-3 bdrm apts and duplexes running from $435-$615 a month 10 minutes from the mine

Call Annette DeLattre (406) 748-5215

I have more details if anyone is interested and can call me at (307) 689-0298
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My Dilemma...also

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