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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding shirts
- - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 12-13-2009 19:48
What are some good welding shirts. I have been using Lapco in the winter. but when summer gets here i dont like to use them in the heat. Do any of yall know some other kinda of shirts that rnt to heavy and will last thanks.
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 12-13-2009 20:04 Edited 12-13-2009 20:08
I use the Green flame retardent jackets that Tillman make. I feel there lighter and breath better then Lapco and last longer and there cheaper especially if you buy them on ebay. I pay about 18 dollars at the local welding store and you might be able to get them for 14-16 dollars on ebay. This may sound strange but the metal buttons on the Lapco shirts give me a weird rash on my wrist so that is why i went with Tillman shirts instead because there is one button at the wrist to snap tight and like i said they breath so much better.

Here's what they look like but the shipping from this guy will eat you up but look around you will find places that shipping is cheaper

I normally buy from the local welding store for 18 or from

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-13-2009 20:36
I've tried the Lapco's and then compared the price and where they were made. I then found these folks, ask for Jennifer

These shirts are excellent. They are lighter than the Lapcos, when you starch them you can actually move in them....unlike the robot feeling I get with my Lapco's or the feeling that I am bullet proof. The weave on these shirts makes the Lapco's weave look like the Grand Canyon. They have snaps all the way up and a single button at the top. I dialed a wrong number one day and talked to Jennifer's dad I believe. Told him I dialed the wrong number and he said no problem, we ended up talking for 30 minutes!! Great guy! The reason for the single top button, for guys like me and him who don't shave on a regular basis. That top snap always catches my whiskers underneat my neck and about pulls my face off! He said that's why they have the button on top instead of a snap. These shirts are nice enough you can where them out to dinner(before welding in them of course). The shirt is soft, soaks up the starch very well. Give them a call and try one out, I won't buy anything else now. Besides for the price of a Chinese or India made Lapco you can pay the same money for an American made Martin Brothers shirt right down in Powderly, Texas.
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 12-14-2009 01:32
thanks shawn. im give some a try. along with the caps.
Parent - By tighand430 (***) Date 12-15-2009 03:32
Yeah, those Martin Bros. shirts are really good. I know alot of hands that love theirs. Lookin to get some but gotta burn up some more lapcos before I do to make room.
Parent - By strother (***) Date 12-14-2009 02:33
I like Carhartt cotton twill shirts they are 8.5oz. 100% cotton . They don't burn up a quick as the demin shirts and I'm sure they are not as heavy as Lapco. Dungarees .net has them for $30.00
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding shirts

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