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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Training for NDT (non-destructive testing)
- - By rj5150 Date 01-06-2010 20:49
      Ill be going to school for two years to earn an   associates degree in welding and inspection technology   I have two questions  one, is there a demand for certified people in non-destructive testing tec...and if so what is the average starting wage  i would appreciate any input anyone has for me.....Thanx
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-06-2010 20:59
Any NDT/NDE methods that you can hold certs for will be a nice addition to any inspector's resume.As for the demand for certified individuals, any additional certs will just make you more marketable and then you can command a healthier starting wage. I think that you will find that most inspectors are constantly adding certs as needed. Employers love to get more bang for their buck by hiring inspectors who have more certs and experience under their belts, than the next guy in line.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-06-2010 21:02
rj,  I'll be the first one to stick my neck out on this.  (okay, John beat me.  So I am second)

This question comes up a lot, you can probably find many more answers by going into the 'Search' function and seeing what you can come up with.

The question is as varied as this country.  It all depends upon where you want to be to work, geographically, what your education is, past work experience, what different things you get certified to inspect with (VT, MT, PT, UT, RT, lab tests, etc), and other variables.

I know of some who have started with companies at less than $20/hr just to get their foot in the door and/or put food on the table.  Most I know of make $20-30/hr with diverse benefits.  Some make considerably more.  $40-60 is not uncommon with higher numbers for those who are very qualified and even have engineering backgrounds.

Yes, there is 'fair' demand.  It is lower right now as all things are.  But it is still there.  Difficult to get into fresh from school though right now.  May be better in two years.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 01-07-2010 11:42
Here in East Tn. there is a big demand since there are only a couple of NDT contractors.If you get your CWI,NDT certs will likely come your way.
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-07-2010 19:42
let an oldtimer (me) give this advice to you.
When looking for a job, money should come always second. First thing to consider is not how much you'll make an year. First thing to consider is the professional  satisfaction, the personal reward, you'll get from that job; in which your contribution for the wellbeing of people plays an important role.
As a NDT graduate technician you'll read on the newspapers that a new natural gas pipeline went into operation and you'll be proud to say: "This pipeline delivers natural gas to thousands and thousands of consumers and I myself have contributed to that". This worths much more than getting a hundred bucks more a month. At least, this is the way I think and I've followed that principle my whole life.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Training for NDT (non-destructive testing)

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