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- - By HgTX (***) Date 01-07-2010 19:59
May be doing more harm than good.
Particularly because people don't agree about what they're for.
My thought is one diamond means better than no diamond (and most posts are no diamond).  Others see one diamond as bad, two diamonds as medium, three diamonds are good.

I'm not encouraging a discussion of diamond interpretation here, because it doesn't matter.  Not everyone will read this thread, and whatever conclusions are reached here will not necessarily carry over elsewhere, and we'll still have someone awarding one diamond because they think the post is one step above average, and others then pitching fits because they interpret it to mean that it's a bad post, 1 on a scale of 3.  And others will award one diamond intended as an insult, and the opposite camp will be thinking that someone meant it as an endorsement.  And even if one way or the other is pronounced here or in some forum guide page as the official way, not everyone will see it or remember it or be willing to change their minds.

There's enough people manage to find to fight about here, deliberately baiting each other, etc., that giving them one more thing to fuss about is not helpful.

One possible modification might be a change from the 3-level rating system to a simple "like" or "thumbs up".  (I would discourage "dislike" because the last thing this particular forum needs is an easy way to express negativity.)

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-07-2010 20:31
I was discussing this with another member in private and my thoughts on the star ratings were:

"I personally disregard any rating system that may be in place in our forum. To me it is a worthless and meaningless distraction in it's current state.

It may have been a great feature for the well intentioned, professionally minded, forum participants to rate each other's posts in a way as to express gratitude or an agreement that the content posted was of great value(to the particular thread).

Now on the other hand, mis-users of the rating system have effectively, in my mind's eye, rendered the system worthless as I stated in the first sentence of this PM. Please don't get too worked up or offended by these "children", who for whatever reason find it amusing to themselves, by rating the postings with lower one star ratings."

>a simple "like" or "thumbs up"

I like this suggestion, similar to facebook comments.
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 01-07-2010 20:38
I can turn off ratings easily, or just confine them to the off-topic. Didn't know anybody paid attention to them...

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-07-2010 20:52
  What are your thoughts and opinions about the ability to rate ones own posts? In the current state if one is displeased with receiving a rating of 1 they can just rate their own post a 3 and come out with a 2 average.

Aside from the misuse by others it seems that it is pointless if one is able to rate their own posts.

Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 01-07-2010 20:56
You should be happy that you are able to rate your own posts......LOL
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-08-2010 20:35
Gotta admit. That was funny.  :)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-07-2010 21:59 Edited 01-07-2010 22:02
I would love to see that !!! :) :) :) I hate to say it Guys but, I told you so a long time ago.

P.S. I know that Stephan would be equally pleased if you shut it off as well since he's getting tired of "Rumplestilskin!!! :) :) :)"

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-08-2010 16:06
Henry,  I would like to respond here rather than in a post you made recently in another section about the stars.

Basically, I agree with the sentiments of others in this thread about the ratings.  I haven't always thought so, But recently attitudes and civility are out the window and people are using the ratings system just to express their petty hurt feelings that you do not put them on a pedestal and bow to their superior knowledge.

But, as to the stars, I still like them.  They give the more casual users of this site, such as myself, the ability to look at a posters id and see how regular of a participant someone is.  Usually, the ones with 4 or more stars earn some added respect from me because I know they have been around a while.  Not just come in to the site in a blaze of glory, get worn out or offended and sink into the ocean with the sunset never to be heard from again.

I do wish it were 'required' to put up a little more info on yourself than so many do. When I click on someone's name, and all I see is 'Hidden' I get cautious, even hesitant.  I can see giving people the ability to protect many parts of their personal info but come on. 

Back to the subject here, it would not hurt my feelings to see the ratings go the way of all the earth.  Death comes to all things sometime.  I think it is the ratings systems time.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 01-08-2010 17:27
I've noticed that a few people (not necessarily you personally; I'm thinking more of a couple others) go on the attack when they see people's info is hidden.

This reaction is inappropriate.

Some people just make it a policy (I think a wise one) never to reveal anything about their identity in a public forum, ever.
Some people's employers don't want them identifiable in an online forum.

I participate in another technical site where participants are explicitly forbidden to post their email addresses, and where, in general, anonymity is strongly encouraged.

So for those of you who think everyone's info should be public, just remember that's your opinion and it's not the only opinion out there.

My info is not up for a very good reason, and that reason is not anyone else's business.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-08-2010 17:55
Hg, I understand that.  And NO I don't believe I have ever made it an issue with anyone in a thread.  Maybe a comment or two asking a name, and I know it is not a soapbox I have jumped on. I like to know first names not just nicknames.  I just like to be more personal.

When people start tearing me apart and I have no idea who they are how do I know where they are coming from? 

I, personally, didn't mind putting personal info on my page, but, I do understand what you said and don't blame companies for the policy. 

But, you can remain very annonomous and still give people general info such as: first name, geographic location (central AZ for me), under hobbies (I think is the heading) general type of employment along with things like camping, hunting, or whatever.  Very basic but gives a person the basic background of who you are.

I hope I have explained my opinion, without starting any war games.  I don't believe yours was an attack, please know mine is not as well.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 01-08-2010 18:45
I can also think of reasons not to give first names or hobbies.  There are conclusions people will leap to based on pretty much any information one supplies.  One's first name can reveal ethnicity or gender.  Hobbies sometimes line up with political views.  There's no reason for a poster to have their technical content filtered through people's biases about irrelevant factors.  People will view a poster differently depending on whether they seem foreign.  They may view men differently from men.  They will view someone differently depending on whether they hunt or volunteer at a wolf sanctuary.  None of that is revelant to technical questions asked or technical responses given.

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-08-2010 20:11
Point taken Hg.  Especially the last sentence.  But I would hope most of us were beyond jumping to conclusions based upon a name or even geographic location...then... I think of some recent threads.  You are right.  It's just some of my own desires.  I like to be personal with those I spend much time communicating with.  I try to give people the freedom to be different than me.  I have not been critical of others religious, political, dietary, race, etc differences to me.  Differences is what makes us human, not clones or puppets.

Thank you for your time and opinion.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 01-09-2010 15:10
I like the post rantings.CONSIDER THIS A RANTING POST. If we do away with the ranting it will always be the same ol' same ol'. When you log on and someone misinterpreted what you said or took a cheap shot at you then it is your constitutional right (and currently AWS right)to reply with a ranting post. Of course we all need to abide with the forum rules and guidelines and try to be civil but PLEASE our government is taking away our rights and freedoms almost daily so all we ask for is the RIGHT TO RANT!
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 01-08-2010 15:25
See, that further illustrates my point.  "who for whatever reason find it amusing to themselves, by rating the postings with lower one star ratings."  The person you were talking to sees one star as an insult.  I (and others, consdering I've seen some good technical one-star posts that weren't by people embroiled in stupid arguments) see one star as an attaboy but not an OMG ATTABOY ATTABOY.  Anyone use MySpace?  They have "kudos" there, and once you decide to award kudos, you can award one or two or maybe even three, I forget ("liked it", "really liked it", "really really liked it").

As long as the terms are not defined, there will be problems even if people weren't such children.  We cannot have something in place that some people think is insult and some people think is compliment.

Kill it.

And why  leave it in the OTBAG?  If ever there were a place where there is no point in rating posts by merit, that's one.

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-08-2010 20:53
I feel this way as well.

Whatever the purpose may have been.

The usage of the "rating" system is currently adding no value to the forum.

Kill it

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-08-2010 23:15

Ummm, the last time I checked there wasn't a point rating in the OTB&G... I do agree with the rest of what you point out FWIW. :)

Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 01-08-2010 23:46
Sorry, I thought Ross said something about keeping it for the OTBAG.  I must have misread.

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 01-09-2010 15:46
No, I don't have ratings enabled on OT. It's kind of a cage match there, so it might be the one place to do it. Or maybe not.

Anyway, I can enable ratings in certain parts of the forum. I also like the idea of going to one star. You either get one or you don't. Could change the start to a thumb.

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-09-2010 16:36
Maybe the single "thumb's up"  option Ross mentions here is a good idea.

If you can't do something nice, you won't do anything at all.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-11-2010 17:49
In the OT there might need to be a thumb and a finger.   :)
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 01-11-2010 20:56
How about just a middle finger?  :)
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 01-07-2010 20:48
"we'll still have someone awarding one diamond because they think the post is one step above average"

I thought jrw159 & Henry did not like my posts.
It all makes sence to me now :)

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-07-2010 21:35
  It is not your posts I do not like, it is your attitude that you project in your posts. You occasionally provide very good info in your posts, however, very often, much like your recently departed cohort, you find it necessary to add in that unneeded jab.

So in short, it is not your posts that I do not like, it is your attitude. 

Parent - - By rodofgod (**) Date 01-07-2010 22:19
Hi All!

I must admit, I know very little about this 'rating' system, I have looked on the Help sections and can find no info!

From my limited understanding of it, I would tend to agree with John! In the forums present state, I would not be inclined to offer any further 'weapons' to those who see benefit in using it as such!


Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 01-08-2010 16:42
If you can't inspect your own welds, you shoudnt be allowed to rate your own posts!  :)
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 01-09-2010 17:12 Edited 01-10-2010 16:27

just even read this your post and the subsequent thread.

I have considered a minute and now I hope that I'm not late on spending two or three words on this.

This is a discussion which was - at least from my viewpoint - long overdue. And the way it's being hold shows me:

YES! This is the 'world's greatest welding forum'. (© Henry, ssbn727)

Why? Well, somebody appreciated starts a discussion about a well polarising topic and the discussion is held in a way, that it makes fun to pursue it.

The 'rating' system is polarising what can be recognised by reading this thread.

You all know me - hopefully - as being honest.

I like very much what John Wright has posted on this issue, saying:

(quote) "It may have been a great feature for the well intentioned, professionally minded, forum participants to rate each other's posts in a way as to express gratitude or an agreement that the content posted was of great value(to the particular thread). Now on the other hand, mis-users of the rating system have effectively, in my mind's eye, rendered the system worthless as I stated in the first sentence of this PM. Please don't get too worked up or offended by these "children", who for whatever reason find it amusing to themselves, by rating the postings with lower one star ratings." (unquote)

It contains - at least in my eyes - all what's needed to know about the rating system. It could (have) be(en) a great deal when being used, as originally been intended. And I provide that the original intention was based on noble thoughts.

But meanwhile it has produced that much scrap and displeasure that it hurts.

I can only speak for myself, but count me to the fraction around John Wright, Lar, Henry, and some of the others who say: Either 'Kill it' or find a way that's not tempting the 'croockbacked bearded dwarfs' to play their misleading games with those ones who are judging this forum as great gift. I myself am one of the latter, by the way.

Coming to an end. Don't want this to be judged as a rambling speech :-).

For me personally, the highest rating even possible is anyway to read sentences like:

"Brent, Actually, good points." (quote js55)

"Giovanni, You make an excellent point." (quote js55)

"Good point about using the proper electrode for out of position work Al!" (quote Henry - ssbn727)

"Although Dave may have done the best job answering the question..." (quote Lawrence)

"It's a good point Cliff." (quote Lawrence)

"Fine, rodofgod! You've rendered a good service to us frequentors of this Forum." (quote Professor Giovanni S. Crisi)

"Henry, you are the infomation czar." (quote Al - 803056)

"Nice job Henry." (quote Al - 803056)

"I, for one, feel that 3.2, and Nanjing have a great deal of knowledge to offer..." (quote jrw159)

"Jeremy, Joe makes a good point." (quote jrw159)

... to be continued.

I think there is no better way to show somebody: Yes! Your post was not only above the average but it was a good one, it was worth the time and you haven' abused the keyboard to write it down!

Since it's been simply commented and thus, appreciated by this way.


EDIT: Just have added two or three more expressive comments on technical posts

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