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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks for all of the replies, please keep them coming
- By aevald (*****) Date 01-12-2010 03:42
Hello to all who have replied and an advanced thank you and hello to those who might still consider contributing. To everyone who has replied to my post regarding electrode useage/waste, I don't have a good way to reply directly to everyone who has taken time to give their take on this topic so I thought that starting another post might be the best way. Many of your comments have confirmed many of my personal thoughts on this topic, other comments have given me additional food for thought.
     I am hoping to hear additionally from some of you who are in the piping industry and use cellulosic electrodes, wondering about your thoughts about simply changing out electrodes or trying to maximize on each electrode. Hence, if changing out each time as opposed to using and re-starting partially used electrodes, are there reasons for this practice with regard to quality of weld deposit or other considerations. Also techniques regarding re-starts with this class of electrode would be appreciated. I have personally used a fair number of the 60xx electrodes but have limited use of the 70xx, 80xx, or any other classifications of cellulosic pipe electrodes. Would greatly appreciate additional comment about these. Thanks once again to all and look forward to additional comment. Best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks for all of the replies, please keep them coming

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