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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Read the label before you buy
- - By Master0428 Date 01-14-2010 05:06
The other day i went to the supply store and ordered a couple pair of welding gloves.
"Made in U.S." was printed on the front of one pair.
The other had no label but was the same brand.
When i got back to the shop my welding instructor pointed out a tag inside the gloves.
It said, "made in china."
Luckily they let me exchange for another pair.
When you buy a tool or supplies just a friendly reminder to check the label.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-14-2010 05:39
a few years back I bought a ford ranger because i firmly believe in buy american. Boy was I psised when i dropped the tranny to change a clutch and
found out it was a mitsubishi Transmission. Half the bolts were metric and half american on the whole damn truck!!
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-15-2010 20:39
Well, at least was a first quality clutch.
I've known Mitsubishi for the past 45 years and I've worked with them in several engineering projects. I also own a Mistubishi TV set. Everything good stuff.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By mtlmster (**) Date 01-14-2010 14:29
I recall seeing an email message advising people to buy American.  This particular person was talking about food purchases, and comparing the price of items.  Turns out sometimes you can "Buy U.S. For Less", than import!  I buy American as much as possible, "especially welding supplies".  Our country needs the boost, and even if it's a little more expensive, I have found that domestic made is better, in "MOST" cases!

Take Care:
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-15-2010 21:25
When I first joined The Ua Steamfitters foreign cars were not allowed in the parking lot in most locals
I believe Vegas still has a sign park your Rat ride at your own risk. It's kind of hard to know anymore as
alot of toyotas and hondas are made in the usa. I myself don't care where its made its's still a foreign product!!
The Ua Lost alot of support for buy american when they invested our 401K money in the Union Bank. Good sounding name huh
The parent company is the bank of Toyko. The Bastards sold us out. But every one under my roof drives american. If it
were up to me id put a registration penalty of say 500.00 on every foreign made vechicle. U.S cars and trucks
may not have been as good in the past but now they are equal or better.  I'll Take my 8.1 litre 400HP Gmc over
any Tundra or titan and my wife loves her ford edge
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-16-2010 15:58
OK, Joe, and what about Ford and Chevrolet cars made by Ford do Brasil and General Motors do Brasil? And electric equipment and home appliances made by General Electric do Brasil? And health care material made by Johnson and Johnson do Brasil? And toothpaste made by Colgate Palmolive do Brasil? And etc. etc. made by etc. etc. do Brasil?
Should we Brazilians boycott them because they're made by American outfits? According to your way of thinking, yes.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-16-2010 16:27 Edited 01-16-2010 23:07
If I lived in Brazil I would try and buy products made in Brazil to help my countries economy.
I know nothing about the situation in Brazil as far as what they manufacture domestically
or inport from other countries. The United States is a mess because our government has allowed
to much foreign products to be imported that should be made and bought from us manufacturers
In other Words if all we had to buy were fords and chevys and chryslers . The majoer auto makers wouldn't
have need Billion dollar bail outs from our goverment. Thousands of workers wouldn't have lost their jobs
when these plants closed  forcing them onto unemployment, unable to make their house payments
so they get foreclosed flooding the market with repo houses so property values drop  nation wide.The Banks
are losing ton's of money so Construction Loans are harder to get, building slows, pipelines cancelled,
refineries cancelled . No money to finance the jobs the whole country goes to ****!! It's just one big
domino effect. The USA is one of the greatest manufacturing countries in the world. We don't need
to import our, cars , electronics, medical supplies, And don't forget welding Machines I don't remember seeing
to many pipeliners out their running MultiQuip machines  LMAO. So I do my best by buying everything I can american
My vechicles, My tools, My electronics, my clothes etc. Take pride and support the country you live in and
the rest will take care of itself . by the way my computer is an HP made in america Joe
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-18-2010 20:51
Joe, speaking of Toyotas and Honda cars made in the USA, on your first posting you said "I don't care where it's made, it's still a foreign product" because it's made by a Japanese company. So, I understood that, even if made in the US employing American workers and paying taxes to the American Government, you wouldn't buy a Toyota car made in the USA because Toyota is a Japanese company and damn be the Japanese.
Then, I replied that, following your same way of thinking, we Brazilians shouldn't buy Ford and Chevrolet cars, General Electric equipment and home appliances, Caterpillar bulldozers, Colgate Palmolive toothpaste, Procter Gamble soap, and of course, Mc Donald hamburgers, because, even if made in Brazil, they're made by American companies and damn be the Americans. Do you agree?.
If we were to follow strictly what you say, that's the way we Brazilians should do.
Of course, I don't think the same way, and I owned two Ford cars (now I own a Fiat, also made in Brazil), I own a General Electric slice cutter, i use Colgate toothpaste and Procter Gamble soap but no, by all means no, I don't eat McDonald hamburgers because I hate hamburgers, but I love Mc Donald icecream.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-18-2010 20:51
Joe, speaking of Toyotas and Honda cars made in the USA, on your first posting you said "I don't care where it's made, it's still a foreign product" because it's made by a Japanese company. So, I understood that, even if made in the US employing American workers and paying taxes to the American Government, you wouldn't buy a Toyota car made in the USA because Toyota is a Japanese company and damn be the Japanese.
Then, I replied that, following your same way of thinking, we Brazilians shouldn't buy Ford and Chevrolet cars, General Electric equipment and home appliances, Caterpillar bulldozers, Colgate Palmolive toothpaste, Procter Gamble soap, and of course, Mc Donald hamburgers, because, even if made in Brazil, they're made by American companies and damn be the Americans. Do you agree?.
If we were to follow strictly what you say, that's the way we Brazilians should do.
Of course, I don't think the same way, and I owned two Ford cars (now I own a Fiat, also made in Brazil), I own a General Electric slice cutter, i use Colgate toothpaste and Procter Gamble soap but no, by all means no, I don't eat McDonald hamburgers because I hate hamburgers, but I love Mc Donald icecream.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-18-2010 21:06
what i mean is the parent company is still a japenese company therefore the profits go to japan
and yes they employ american workers at a much lower pay scale then gm, ford , chrysler.
i said buy a car made by your own country but brazil probably doesn't make one. as far as dam
the americans i would say god love brazil if i were born and raised in brazil.  I support all you dummies that are to
stupid to try and help the country you live in by using goods manufactured there. I hate mcdonalds to
their food sucks. and hell all even eat an occasional  chinease meal . But i'll never drive a jap vechicle!!!
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-19-2010 22:37
Yes, the profits go to Japan, BUT, the profits that the Brazilian subsidiaries of Ford, GM, GE, Colgate, Procter Gamble, Caterpillar, Mc Donald, Coca Cola etc. etc. make in Brazil go to the USA, and directly or indirectly you benefit from them.
You see, international trade is a two way street, one that goes and one that comes back; you can't only sell and just make profits, you must also buy and let the seller make his profits too.
A first word of warning: don't list Chrysler among American cars. After its bankrupcy Chrysler was bought by FIAT; and Chrysler workers saved their jobs that way.
Second warning: a couple of years ago, when The International Nickel Company (INCO) was almost bankrupt, it was bought by the giant Brazilian mining company Vale do Rio Doce (means Valley of the Sweet River). As you know, INCO owns the brands Inconel, Incoloy and others. So, don't buy Inconel nor Incoloy welding consumables, because the profits will come here to Brazil (to say the truth, they're just a small small portion of the profits Ford, GM, Coca Cola etc. etc. etc. send to the United States.)
Giovanni S. Crisi

PS. I prefer to starve rather than eating Chinese food. Wahhh! 
Parent - - By spgtti (**) Date 01-20-2010 00:13
Your Ford edge was built in Canada @ the Oakville Plant.
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-20-2010 00:27
maybe so but the home company is still in the Usa. by the wat it's a great little srossover suv lots of pep
like it way better than the lincoln mountaineer she use to drive
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-16-2010 18:57
What brands exactly are you referring to as "foreign".

Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 01-19-2010 19:27
We got a socialist (closet communist) politicians to thank for all that china made crap !  Not everything made foreign is junk.  Where do you think stuff came from in other previous centuries to here along with the skills to make it.  Yes it can all be made 200% better on our soil though I think there is no need to support countries that have people that hate us to buy their product boosting them and putting citizens here out of a job.  It's getting worse all the time try to buy a bearing now for anything that is made here.  Like other parts they have the name you recognize but aren't made here anymore. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Read the label before you buy

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