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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / cast iron brazing or welding??
- - By jffluxcore (**) Date 06-08-2002 01:26
What better to braze or weld cast iron, to a steel fitting and how? Thanks Jim
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-08-2002 03:08
I prefer brazing(Braze Welding) since I have never had a brazed repair crack. That doesn't mean they don't. Ive just had better results.
Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 06-08-2002 19:07
Jim, you generally need to have some idea of what cast iron material you are trying toweld. Some are unweldable. Most cast irons are grey cast iron, and as long as it is a clean casting, this can be welded quite well.

If you can give a high pre-heat, then this is the best way to go. Pre-heat to around 500°C and weld with either C/Steel rods (E7018) or better with Ni based consumables specially made for welding cast iron. (e.g. ENi-CI)

If high pre-heats are not feasible, (Under these circumstances brazing is often also not feasible.) then perform the welding using the Ni based consumables with low heat inputs. The HAZ will be brittle, but if you keep the heat input low, then the HAZ is very narrow and does not result in such a big problem.

Hope this helps

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By Steve 3884 (*) Date 06-23-2002 15:02
Hello Jim,
If the pipe is Durite (chilled cast iron) it really isn't weldable. If it's not Durite there are several oprtions. The best process to use in regards to getting a homogenous weld w/o leaks is the hot process torch. It combines the benefits of brazing with the advantages of Ni filler metal. Proper prep is critical here. No corners can be cut.

There are of course the Ni/Fe electrodes in various form and the arc brazing electrodes. The Al bronze electrodes provide good ductility and high tensile strength. The Al bronze SMAW electrodes run similar to Al SMAW electrodes so expect to move rather quickly.
Parent - - By Niekie3 (***) Date 06-24-2002 18:25
Hi Steve

What is the "hot process torch"? It is not a term that I am familliar with.

Parent - By Steve 3884 (*) Date 06-24-2002 22:50
Hello Niekie,
This equipment is referred to by some as the spray and fuse torch, by others as a puddle torch, or powder welding torch. I suppose the spray and fuse reference is the most widely recognized. I apologize for not being more specific.
Parent - - By Steve 3884 (*) Date 06-24-2002 22:54
Hello Niekie,
Please forgive the afterthought. I did not think it appropriate to include a link to our site. If you care to view our metallising equipment, I would provide one for you by private e-mail if you desire.
Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 06-25-2002 18:11
Sure, send me a link to your site. I still am not sure what you are talking about, so it should be an education.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / cast iron brazing or welding??

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