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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Haiti and the US Marines
- - By Stephan (***) Date 01-20-2010 14:14
Dear Forum Fellow Members,

I don't know if it's right to adding this topic - exceptionally not dealing with welding - here in the Shop Talk Section.

Anyway, as not all of you have access to the Off Topic Bar and Grill section however, I'll venture to post this here.

I would like to send a heartfelt 'THANK YOU!' to all the brave women and men of the United States Marine Corps who are active at the moment in Haiti to help in a tremendous and awesome way!

There's so much BS being told at the moment about the US Armed Forces that I felt it was long overdue to positively mention this!

Who else was there so quick and did such a great job? I for myself, don't know anybody else.

O.K. that was all!

Best regards,
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-20-2010 15:19
If I may be excused from being a little campy and idealistic, I might paraphrase a line from the movie Starman.

"Humans are at their best when things are worst".
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 01-20-2010 15:32
"Some people wonder their whole lives if they've ever made a differance,Marines don't have that problem"-Ronald Reagan
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-20-2010 22:53
Thank you for the thumbs up for the US Military Stephan.

Just for the record, I heard Sec. of State Hillary mention several countries that are helping. I fail me to remember them all. 

Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 01-20-2010 23:44 Edited 01-20-2010 23:53
Thanks Stephan!..
I have family in the US forces and am proud of them no matter where they are or what they are doing! 
The BS and opinions being voiced across the world are fine with me...People have opinions and the right to think what they want of every Country or People....Look at the opinions some have here of Chinese steel or foreign labor legal or otherwise. All based on some truth and some opinion.
I am a believer that the United States of America is a good force in this world.  Some call us the Great Satan.....IDK   Some say we are invading doubt some on this forum believe these things.  The truth is we are giving aid to a Country that needs it.....I feel that most Americans are giving from their heart and soul as human beings, trying to make this world just a little bit better while we are here.  No politics, no agenda except maybe to look good in Gods eyes should we have the opportunity to meet.  I believe that most are united as HUMAN BEINGS and we see the people of Haiti as we see our Brothers, Sisters, Parents, and friends.....People we don't want to see hurt......

The U.S.A may have done things seen as controversial in the past and may do such things again in the future..... but what Country hasn't?  There's a lot of glass houses out there and many people with stones in hand...

Bottom line is...........................There are folks in need right now.....Help any way you can....

Many Many Countries are helping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............Some ..........................................not so much,2933,583461,00.html
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 01-21-2010 01:56
Rander, That was well said and just cause, Hats of to the boy's in uniform from up here in the frozen north.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 01-21-2010 10:23
Thanks to you RANDER as well as to all of the others!

I must 100% agree with what makeithot has posted:

"...That was well said..."

Yes... that was very well said!

And what you did post:

"I feel that most Americans are giving from their heart and soul as human beings, trying to make this world just a little bit better while we are here."

This is well said as well, at least to me. I have never experienced something different from that by now!

Thanks again and God bless!
Parent - - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 01-22-2010 05:14
Thank You for that, I am a Marine. I finished my service in 1990 but "ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE"  SEMPER FI. Some people fail to realize that we as Americans live in the best counrty there is. Sometimes, we just don't have the best leaders, doing there best job. That goes for business as well as goverment!!!!!
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 01-22-2010 11:50
OOHRAH brother,well said!
Parent - - By dmilesdot (**) Date 01-23-2010 07:13
Its always interesting to me that all those that we see complaining about the way the disaster relief is being handled are well dressed and in a safe environment.  I dont see any interviews from Haiti where the people doing the work are complaining.  Yes there are problems and the people on the ground in Haiti are dealing with them, maybe not the way some retired military person sitting in his armchair at home would deal with them but its getting done.  Everyday is a learning situation, all those on the ground in Haiti can hope to do is not repeat the mistakes of yesterday.  My hat is off to everyone who dropped what they were doing and went to help.  Thats America!
Parent - By mtlmster (**) Date 01-23-2010 16:20
Well Said!  The part of this Disaster; That I Don't Understand!  I know so many planes tried to come into a small crowded airport, and logistically speaking, a nightmare.  They actually had more help than they could accept as fast a need be!

BUT:  The Press was there in Force with Generators, Water, Food, Clothes, all for the sole purpose of bringing news to the world.  In My Opinion, Those Supplies that the Media Hauled in so Quickly (had they accompanied rescue equipment with there media equipment, would have been better Utilized for the Rescue and Aid of Those in Serious Need!  Media Generators to Run Jack Hammers, Lights, Hospital Needs.  Media Personnel to aid in the Organization of Rescue Efforts, Medical Attention, Comfort and Aid to Victims.

We all have Generators (almost) and I Honestly Believe that if All of the Welders in the World Got Together, That we possibly could have helped Save Lives.  We could have furnished ALL of the Electricity Needs Immediately.  The Only Requirement would be to get the Fuel to Us.  We have the Tools (Or the Skill) Needed to Dig People out of the Rubble!  Likewise I'm Sure that Most of the Media Crews spent Most of their Time Writing and Speaking Than Digging!  To be honest I did see a few Media people doing a little, but Search and Rescue is a 60 sec, 60 min, 24 hr, CONTINUOUS JOB!

The Media personnel behind the Camera and In Front of the Camera Should have been Working to Rescue the Dieing.  I mean Every Scond that they were on the ground!

I know it's important to get the word out concerning a Disaster and The Needs Associated with it, so publication is necessary:  But give me a break!

The Number One Priority Should Be Search and Rescue; everything else can fall in order!  ie; Food, Water, Shelter.........................

Just my .2 cents.  & Gettin this off my chest

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-24-2010 01:33
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Haiti and the US Marines

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