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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Project-Abstract
- - By travishttn (*) Date 01-31-2010 22:06 Edited 02-02-2010 19:00
I am taking welding metallurgy class and I have a Abstract project that I have to do and need help with suggestion on topic to talk about. Here is the requirement of the abstract I have to do.

Introduction (100 words)-Describe the subject of the poster, problem/issue being addressed and it's practical implications for the welding industry.

Technical Approach & Results (200 words)- Explain the technical approach. Summarize the work that was done as it relates to the subject of the poster.

Conclusions (100 words)-Summarize the conclusions and how they could be used in a welding application.

I was told that I can chose a number of things to talk about...such as weld defects,phase diagrams or anything that relates to welding or metallurgy would be ideal discussion.

Any helpful suggestions and help would be appreciated.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-31-2010 22:17
Welcome to the forum Trav

Hey  I'm a welding instructor for 15 years now and must admit I struggle with phase diagrams...   Most folks start out with the Iron-Carbon diagram and try to understand Eutectic/Eutectiod behavior.

But only 200 words?    Thats really not even enough for a preamble.

Why don't you tell us a little about what your textbook says when they describe these diagrams and what you "don't" understand about it...  I think this will help some of the experts on the forum to give you a starting point.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-01-2010 05:37 Edited 02-01-2010 06:56
Here You go Travis:

Here's another pretty good explanation but like Larry mentioned previously, 200 words really isn't enough to give an explanation where anyone could have even a basic understanding of what phase diagrams are and their uses which are many!!! :)

Here's another good website which could help you formulate your own abstract based on learning how phase diagrams work and learning all you can from this site:

This one is from and it gives you three separate definitions of what phase diagrams are. So it will be up to you in describing how phase diagrams are used in relation to welding and metallurgy:

Here is a link to a power point presentation on phase diagrams:

Here's a very good .pdf from the University of Virginia:

Here's another good .pdf also:

I like using this one to explain to students just how phase diagrams are used and it begins from the very basics all the way down to covering different types of materials including Iron and Steel...

This one is from the University of Tennessee:

This one is one of the best ones I have in my own reference material to use in describing phase diagrams in general:

Here's a definition from

This one is from Encyclopedia Britannica:

I'm going to stop here because right now, you have more than enough reference material available for you to come up with a very simplified 200 word abstract describing basically what phase diagrams are...

I'm not going to write it out for you because that's your job which I just made a little bit easier for you to do... SO GO DO IT!!! :) :) :)

Parent - - By Ke1thk (**) Date 02-01-2010 16:19
Thanks Henry,

I learn something new here every day.  Do you know anything about trading options? Ha, Ha.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-01-2010 16:21
Buy Low, Sell High... :-)
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Project-Abstract

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