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Up Topic / Forum News & Help / Mark individual boards read/old?
- - By HgTX (***) Date 02-03-2010 17:48
Can we please have this?  If I read halfway through the forum, there's no way to show what I already looked at and what I didn't; I have to go back in and open each one to see.  Annoyance.

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 02-03-2010 17:56
This should happen. Make sure this is the link you use to log in:

Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-03-2010 18:09
From what I can tell, marking read happens automatically, but the whole board doesn't get marked read unless I open all the threads in it.  I haven't at all figured out what makes marking old happen other than clicking the "mark old" link.  If I go into a forum and back out, it doesn't get marked old automatically--nor do I want it to, if I only looked at two threads and there are 50 more I didn't look at yet.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-03-2010 18:56
Here's what I do....especially on a Monday Morning. Notice that the board is made up of 8 sections.

Start by opening only one area of the forum and then read all of the new posts, mark them read when done. Move onto another group and open the new posts/threads and mark them read when done...I systematically work my way through the whole forum of New Posts by the day's end. Hope that makes sense.

If you go directly to New Posts at the top of the forum, you will have too many to read in one sitting...and when you exit and come back, it will mark all of the new posts as read whether you had time to get to all of them or not.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-03-2010 20:37
But I don't want to read all the posts.  It only marks that board "read" if I opened every single thread.  If I open a board, look at the three threads (out of 50) that I wanted to look at, and come back out again, nothing changes about the board icon.  It still shows up as new, unread.  If I open a board, see that there's nothing in there I want to read, or I've just read the three threads I want, I would like to be able to mark that board, and only that board, as old.  Right now it's all or nothing.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 12:46
Hmmm....I dunno. Yours seems to be different for some reason.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-04-2010 14:54
What I want is a "mark old" button at the board level and not just the forum level.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-04-2010 15:13

Don't know if I am understanding you right, plus, I am no computer genius, BUT, let me suggest something.

First, Blue is posts already read,  yellow/light brown are posts added since you were last on, green I believe come up if you go back into a thread after leaving but before logging off in the same session.  I think that is how mine is working.

Then, if I read through a thread, or just the new posts which it now drops to automatically when you open a thread, click the section title at the bottom of the page you have just read and it takes you back to the listing of the other threads in that section and marks just the thread you left as 'read'.  When you have done that with each of the threads in that section, I then go back to the main page for that section to click into the 'General' listings and the box is checked that I have read that entire section.  I then, at my convenience, move to the next section and repeat the process.

But, if you log out without reading them all.  When you come back on they won't be marked 'Read', but they won't show as new either.  When you open the thread it should still drop down so you can start reading with the last one that was there before.  You should not have to go through all the posts you already read. 

Now it may be that someone has added a reply to a specific post and it comes up in the middle of ones you previously read.  Then, when you look at it you must go all the way through the section to get to the end.

Hope I made sense and helped with the 'marking' issue.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-04-2010 15:43
I don't have anything showing up as blue, unless what I think of as white is what you think of as blue.

Let's define some terms:

Forum:  This whole site with all the discussions.
Board:  The next level down, like "Shop Talk" or "Inspection"
Thread:  The next level down, individual topics, like "Mark individual boards read/old?"
Post:  Each individual missive from a particular person, like the thing I'm writing right now

I almost never read all the threads in a board, so "read" (which does seem to work as advertised) doesn't help me.

When I've read all the threads I care to read in a board, which is typically not all of them, I want a way of marking that board as "old" (since it won't be "read" since I didn't read the whole thing).  Right now we have that option for the entire forum.  We don't have that option on a board-by-board basis.

So if I read whatever I feel like reading in "Shop Talk" but then I have to go do something else and can't continue on to "Certification" or "Inspection", there's nothing to indicate that I've already been in "Shop Talk" but not "Inspection".  If I go away and come back, I can't tell if "Shop Talk" is still yellow from before, or because people have posted to it since last time I looked at it.  If I have the time to go through the entire forum--"Shop Talk", "Certification", etc., all the way down, I can then mark the whole forum as old, and anything yellow after that means it's something new.  But I can't do this just for one board.  So I have to re-open "Shop Talk" and look at the thread listing & see if they're old or new, read or unread.  I would like not to have to re-open "Shop Talk" to see whether there's something new in there since the last time I looked at it, which at the moment is not possible unless I've also read every single thread.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 16:52
I've got one word to describe this entire thread... "Ischcibble!!! :) :) :)"
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-04-2010 17:02
Then don't read it.  'Course, then this board won't show up as "read" for you, and you'll want the ability to mark the board "old" just like I do.

Once again, all I'm asking for is the same kind of "mark old" button at the board level as there is at the forum level.  It's really not that radical a concept.

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 17:05
I like reading it! So there!!! :) :) :)
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 17:29
To respond to the post you made before pulling before I could post my reply...

"You're an odd egg, Henry.

Hg "

Here's my reply:

I always knew that I am rather odd by being born left-handed and legs first,
but I never knew that I was an "egg!!! :) :) :)"

May I say that I find you rather amusing at times also???
I mean one cannot have enough humor in their lives in order to get through the day sometimes IMHO. ;)

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 20:48
  I see what you are getting at now. I do not have that problem because when I had a bunch of free time I went through the entire forum and read every thread. Now I may not have read every single word of every post, but I open and viewed every thread. This resulted in my view showing all boards as being read. So now I am up to date with the old stuff and when something new is posted it is always at the top. To explain this a little better, I can open shop talk and go to page 3, 9 or 52 and non of them are "unread".

Now I understand that not everyone has the time or the patience to do this so what you are suggesting might be a good option.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-04-2010 20:57
John, you are either one whale of a speed reader or need to get a life.  LOL. 

Are you sure you like your new job.  Or did I miss something, like your unemployment.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-04-2010 23:05
   LOL, no I did this when I first joined this wonderful forum and now I just have to keep up from day to day. If I am away for a few days it might take a little to catch up but not to bad. Also notice I did not read every thing. There were some threads that I just breezed over and got the general info. In all actuality the new job does not allow me near the forum time I used to have.

Best regards to you and yours,
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-05-2010 14:04 Edited 02-05-2010 14:07
I knew it, You're just another skimmer.  LOL.

Still took an awful lot of reading to come anywhere close to that.  I'll bet you didn't read all the way through all of Henry's posted up references.  Some of those would require the rest of my life.  WOW!  No comments about the age please.  Just had a guy ask me the other day what it was like when we had to process our own ore before we welded.  Wise guy.  I'm not that old.  Then, without a word from me, he says, I'll bet you've been welding longer than I've been alive.  I just looked at him for a moment, grinned, and said 'That wouldn't be very hard to do now would it?'  Some peoples kids.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-05-2010 16:04
  You can bet on the fact I have not been able to cover all the information in Henry's posts. :-)

As for the age...... well I am not going there, you know how us young whippersnappers can be.

Up Topic / Forum News & Help / Mark individual boards read/old?

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