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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gdot test
- - By strother (***) Date 02-06-2010 02:23
Wish me luck, testing Mon. for Georgia DOT 6g 8" sch 80 and 3g 4g 1" plate 7018. Ga. requires you to certify every year. I've passed before and I don't think I'll have any problems but its still a test. You can't use a grinder or wire wheel ,just a chipping hammer wire brush and file so tie ins and slag removal are a little aggravating.
Parent - By Robert48 (**) Date 02-06-2010 02:37
Forest Park!! I have taken the same test now for the past few years and they can't make up their mind. One time I can use a wire wheel (not a grinding disc) and the next time you can't. Last year I took the 3&4G one week and was able to use it, came back the next to take the 6G and was told I could not. I use Excalibur rods so the slag just peels off if you get the heat just right. That helps alot. Good Luck!
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 02-06-2010 10:46
I keep a dentist like pick or two handy for those type of situations.
AWS D1.5 describes the welders Qualification testing like that,(no power tools).
Good Luck
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-06-2010 19:21
One could also use an old band saw blade for cutting steel by cutting the length to approximately 6 to v8 inches in length and wrapping one end of it with either electrical tape or after doing so, dipping it also in that liquid grip stuff that's used by some folks to apply on their manual tools in order to handle them better if one really wants to get fancy with their own personal use...

Make sure the teeth on the piece of the blade is facing in a direction where one can easily use it to scrape any of entrapped slag out from usually the toes of the weld as well as some other locations where the weld has been deposited. ;)

One can use both coarse as well as fine sized teeth blades (More TPI in smaller toothed blades) as part of their own personal inventory of personal manual scraping tools custom made just for this type of work!!! :) :) :)

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-06-2010 19:34
Hello Henry, inexpensive and effective, nice tips. Best regards, Allan

P.S. By the way Henry, keep your head above the snow and don't overdo yourself. Maybe even take in a nice hot-buttered rum if it won't mess with the meds too much!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-06-2010 20:27
"A good welder don't need no stinkin dentist's picks or bandsaw blades to clean his welds."

All is fair on a welder's test as long as it doesn't change the profile of the weld bead and there is no "power", i.e., grinders, jackhammers, needleguns,  etc. per the latest edition of D1.5.

I've always been of the mind that if it is a hand tool the welder carries in his bucket, no problem.

I used to make my own half-round chisels to help clean and reshape weld profiles for use where a grinder had no access.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-06-2010 21:30 Edited 02-08-2010 16:46
I read you loud and clear Al but, when you're teaching some folks who don't quite adapt to using proper technique, or by simply raising the power source amperage a little, then one needs to come up with something to carry the mover until they get to the point where they become so frustrated that they actually start to apply what you have been trying for quite some time to convince them to adapt to, and once they do, VOILA!!! They get it and they become sponges of your wisdom and advice! ;) Of course, there are some that you don't even need to put them through this sort of coaxing in the first place yet, it all comes down to different strokes for different folks - CAPECHE??? :) :) :)

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-08-2010 12:17
Everyone forgot to mention the obvious, incase you forgot to pack your dental tools.....knock the flux off one of the practice/set up rods and sharpen it to a point on the grinder. Makes a nice pick for that stubburn root pass that hasn't quite got the heat in it yet to help peel the slag.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-08-2010 16:46
That's one way to put those extra long stubs to good use!!! :) :) :)

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gdot test

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