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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller SD 180 Tig
- - By Kevin Date 06-19-2002 02:23
Anybody out there using the Miller SD 180 tig. If so how do you like it? I will be using it for welding rollbars and roll cages, general chassis work. Round tube that I will be welding is 15/8" .134 wall. Im thinking about purchasing this machine but would like some info first. THANKS!
Parent - By Kevin Date 06-22-2002 03:41
Is there anyone out there?
Parent - - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 06-22-2002 17:40
i don't know where everybody went! pretty unusual to not have any new posts in 3 days.

i'd tell ya about that TIG machine, but i don't know that much about it. i do know that you don't need a machine w/ all the bells and whistles to do good welding. as long as it's not a low end of the market machine, but more of a middle ground kinda product you should be ok.
Parent - - By Kevin Date 06-23-2002 02:25
Thanks welder_guy! That particular machine I dont think is a low end of the market as I think that their Miller Econotig is the lower one and next would be the SD 180 so I think I should be ok. On the Miller website they have a Ask Andy email thing. He works for a race team, I believe its Penske and he say that they use that particular one on the NASCAR tean transporters and he also recommends it for what I want to do. But he is also a salesman for Miller. Im looking for opinions on it. THANKS!
Parent - - By Goose (**) Date 06-24-2002 00:48
Hey Kevin,

I bought a small Tig a little over two years ago. Me decision was between the Miller 180SD and the Lincoln Squarewave 175 Pro. I really wanted the Miller, but got a killer deal on the Lincoln I could not pass up ($1250, free shipping to my door).

I have used this machine for two years now and found it to be an excellent machine. The machine is much better than my Tig skills, but there improving with each project I tackle.

I think your gonna be quite pleased with the 180SD...perfect size for the home/race shop.

Parent - By Kevin Date 06-24-2002 03:18
Thank you for the information. That is the kind of anwer I was looking for. I thought about the Lincoln also, really I could go with either one, Miller or Lincoln.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller SD 180 Tig

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