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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / School for advanced welding?
- - By awspartb (***) Date 02-06-2010 14:28
I looking for a school that teaches advanced welding like compter programmable oribital welders, robotics, aerospace welding procedures, exotic alloys etc.
Is there such a school in the USA or is this training available on the job only?  Thanks
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-06-2010 16:17
Lot's of schools have orbitals...  Many also have some sort of CNC type cutting... A few have robots.

Exotic alloys... Inconel, Titanium, Hastelloys etc.   In my opinion need little hands on specialty training... If you can weld plain carbons steel and stainless steels you can almost instantly adapt to exotics...  It's more a matter of technical preparation and process control...

Hobart Institute of course has all of the above as does Ferris State University.

Prolly you are going to have to get on the phone and interview the various programs in your area to find out what they have in stock..

Most colleges get their robots in order to serve a local need...  In these cases the local players will pretty much donate the robots to the school in exchange for the ongoing training of their employees...  So you really never know where a robot will turn up.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-06-2010 17:23
Hello awspartb, to add just a bit to Lawrence's information, a number of the orbital and robotic manufacturers offer training seminars that are generally open to companies or possibly specific union training facilities, others offer it as a part of a purchase plan, buy our machine, we provide a 3-day/1 week training session. ATI Wah Chang, in Albany, Ore. offers a 3-day/5-day training and informational seminar on Titanium, they also touch on some of the other exotics that they manufacture and include hands-on training if you take the 5-day seminar, I don't believe they offer any training on the welding of Haffnium, Niobium, or any of the other ultra-expensive metals, pretty much Titanium only. I would think that TIMET also might offer a similar type of program but don't know one way or the other. A bit more for your consideration. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-08-2010 18:23
Lawrence and Aevald nailed it.

Ferris State and Pennsylvania college of technology both have some decent robotic welding and orbital welding curricula, but generally those services are offered in training packages by equipment manufacturers like Fanuc, or by robotic integrators like wolf robotics and PreTech.

in terms of exotic alloys, not  a lot of training goes on outside of titanium. Because of the extremely high cost and relatively limited end users, you don't see a lot of training on exotics.  Besides from an actual welding standpoint most of them are fairly easy to weld. nickel based alloys are forgiving as is titanium. The incidentals like extreme cleanliness and gas shielding are different but just require stringent shop practices as opposed to new skills.  I've had a chance to weld some exotics, and nothing struck me as needing a lot of specialized training.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / School for advanced welding?

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