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- - By travishttn (*) Date 02-09-2010 08:33
I have some questions with answering my metallurgy class and can anyone help me with the answers to these questions...and why  its the answer.

which of the following is not considered an alloy? I think the answer is Uranium? correct me if I am wrong
b)5% Zinc in copper
c) Uranium
d) Duralumin
e) 7075 Aluminum

Pure metals do not exhibit which of the following properties? my answer is (b) correct me if I am wrong?
a) super cooling
b) Higher strength than most alloys
c) Single melting or freezing temperature
d) Have no alloying elements intentionally added
e) None of the above

which of the following is a process that can not be used to strengthen metals? my answer is Annealing..correct me if I am wrong
a)Heat treating
b)cold working
e)none of the above

Which of the following processes do not plastically deform metals? my answer is Heat treating...correct me if I am wrong
a)Hot working
b)cold working
c) Heat treating
d)strain hardening
e)none of the above

Plastic deformation is best described by which of the follwoing? my answer is Permanently changing the size or shape of a metal...correct me if I am wrong.
a) deforming a metal only far enough to allow complete recovery when unloaded.
b) permanently changing the size or shape of a metal
c)solution annealing and age hardening a metal
d)phase changes associated with heating and cooling metals that change crystal structure with temperature
e)none of the above

Which is not a property of metals? my answer is none of the above...correct me if I am wrong
c)thermal expansion
e)none of the above
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-09-2010 15:00

The only one I have a question about is question on plastic deformation.  Wouldn't 'a' be more proper of a description of plastic deformation?  If you go past and permanently deform the piece then you are no longer describing 'plastic deformation'.  It is only plastic until it takes a permanent set leaving it outside of it's manufactured perameters.  If I understood question and answers correctly.

The best source in my estimation to confirm and get some good examples, illustrations, definitions, etc is the WIT book available from AWS.  There are lots of other good resources available from them that do a good job as well.

WIT-T (order code)  Welding Inspection Technology

Lawrence and Allan should be of big help here, as well as several others.  Lots of great resources.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-09-2010 17:17
Brent, what you're talking about is elastic deformation.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-09-2010 23:40
Thanks both Hg and Henry. 

Figures, no metallurgist here.  Was busy today.  When I did notice Hg's post I stopped long enough to grab books.  Sure enough, opened (typing) mouth and inserted foot.

Thanks for the indepth description Henry.  Didn't really need it once I grabbed my books.  Don't use the terms often enough and messed up when I read the question and answers. 

Thank you guys for keeping everything clear.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 02-10-2010 15:42
It took me a couple of passes through that terminology when I was in school to get them straight.

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-09-2010 16:55 Edited 02-09-2010 17:37
Hi travihttn!

The first multiple choice question is correct... The second one is correct out of the choices given although, (a) could also be correct also since it depends on how the curriculum was presented to you prior to this quiz/test... The third one is correct... The fourth one is correct...

The fifth one is correct... And so is the sixth one! ;) They are all correct according to the choices given and the questions given... The only one I may question is the second one.

Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 02-09-2010 17:08
1st question. Uranium is not an alloy. All of the others are.

2nd question. English being not my mother language, I don't realize what do you mean by "super cooling". About the rest:
   b) pure iron is stronger than most aluminum and copper alloys. 
   c) Pure metals DO have a single melting and freezing temperature. 
   d) If they're pure, they don't have alloying elements.

3rd question.
   a) Case hardening is a heat treatment procedure and it strengthens iron.
   b) Cold working strengthens metals.
   c) Annealing softens metals.
   d) Alloying strengthens metals

4th question.
   a) Hot working deforms plastically metals.
   b) Cold working deforms plastically metals
   c) Heat treatment don't deforms metals plastically (see Note below)
   d) Strain hardening deforms metals plastically

5th question.
   Plastic deformation is defined as the permanent change in size or shape of a metal when it's subjected to stress.

6th question.
   All of the mentioned are properties that metals have.

Note: Actually, when carrying out Post Weld Heat Treatment of a weld, a very little plastic deformation takes place in the weld and base metal. However, in the great majority of cases this deformation is negligible. When it isn't, then Vibration Stress Relief is applied.

Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-09-2010 17:53
Your note is right on. The plastic deformation in stress relief heat treatment is yielding.
However, I would argue that strain hardening does not deform metals plastically. Strain hardening is caused by plastic deformation.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 02-09-2010 18:46
English being not my mother language, it's quite possible that I didn't understand exactly what "strain hardening" is. Would you describe in a few words what it consist of?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-09-2010 19:21
I am assuming the term "strain hardening" is the same as what I have always called work hardening. Which would make sense since it is the yielding that 'strengthens' the material and provides the rising stress strain curve phenomena beyond the yield point. Once the peak of the curve is reached the strain (work) hardening properties of the material ceases.
This is a crude explanation to be sure, but the best I can do right now without looking it up.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-09-2010 20:28 Edited 02-10-2010 00:45
Hi Jeff!

Here's another explanation which may also shed more light on strain hardening, otherwise also known as work hardening... Quote:

In 1934, Egon Orowan, Michael Polanyi and G. I. Taylor, roughly simultaneously, realized that plastic deformation could be explained in terms of the theory of dislocations. Dislocations can move if the atoms from one of the surrounding planes break their bonds and rebond with the atoms at the terminating edge. In effect, a half plane of atoms is moved in response to shear stress by breaking and reforming a line of bonds, one (or a few) at a time.

The energy required to break a single bond is far less than that required to break all the bonds on an entire plane of atoms at once. Even this simple model of the force required to move a dislocation shows that plasticity is possible at much lower stresses than in a perfect crystal. In many materials, particularly ductile materials, dislocations are the "carrier" of plastic deformation, and the energy required to move them is less than the energy required to fracture the material. Dislocations give rise to the characteristic malleability of metals.

When metals are subjected to "cold working" (deformation at temperatures which are relatively low as compared to the material's absolute melting temperature, Tm, i.e., typically less than 0.3 Tm) the dislocation density increases due to the formation of new dislocations and dislocation multiplication. The consequent increasing overlap between the strain fields of adjacent dislocations gradually increases the resistance to further dislocation motion.

This causes a hardening of the metal as deformation progresses. This effect is known as strain hardening (also “work hardening”). Tangles of dislocations are found at the early stage of deformation and appear as non well-defined boundaries; the process of dynamic recovery leads eventually to the formation of a cellular structure containing boundaries with misorientation lower than 15° (low angle grain boundaries).

In addition, adding pinning points that inhibit the motion of dislocations, such as alloying elements, can introduce stress fields that ultimately strengthen the material by requiring a higher applied stress to overcome the pinning stress and continue dislocation motion.

As the material becomes increasingly saturated with new dislocations, more dislocations are prevented from nucleating (a resistance to dislocation-formation develops). This resistance to dislocation-formation manifests itself as a resistance to plastic deformation; hence, the observed strengthening.

In metallic crystals, irreversible deformation is usually carried out on a microscopic scale by defects called dislocations, which are created by fluctuations in local stress fields within the material culminating in a lattice rearrangement as the dislocations propagate through the lattice. At normal temperatures the dislocations are not annihilated by annealing. Instead, the dislocations accumulate, interact with one another, and serve as pinning points or obstacles that significantly impede their motion. This leads to an increase in the yield strength of the material and a subsequent decrease in ductility.

Such deformation increases the concentration of dislocations which may subsequently form low-angle grain boundaries surrounding sub-grains. Cold working generally results in a higher yield strength as a result of the increased number of dislocations and the Hall-Petch effect of the sub-grains, and a decrease in ductility. The effects of cold working may be reversed by annealing the material at high temperatures where recovery and recrystallization reduce the dislocation density.

A material's work hardenability can be predicted by analyzing a stress-strain curve, or studied in context by performing hardness tests before and after a process.

Hi Brent! This is what HgTX means by Elastic deformation:

Work hardening is a consequence of plastic deformation, a permanent change in shape. This is distinct from elastic deformation, which is reversible. Most materials do not exhibit only one or the other, but rather a combination of the two. The following discussion mostly applies to metals, especially steels, which are well studied. Work hardening occurs most notably for ductile materials such as metals. Ductility is the ability of a material to undergo large plastic deformations before fracture (for example, bending a steel rod until it finally breaks).

The tensile test is widely used to study deformation mechanisms. This is because under compression, most materials will experience trivial (lattice mismatch) and non-trivial (buckling) events before plastic deformation or fracture occur. Hence the intermediate processes that occur to the material under uniaxial compression before the incidence of plastic deformation make the compressive test fraught with difficulties.

A material generally deforms elastically if it is under the influence of small forces, allowing the material to readily return to its original shape when the deforming force is removed. This phenomenon is called elastic deformation. This behavior in materials is described by Hooke's Law. Materials behave elastically until the deforming force increases beyond the elastic limit, also known as the yield stress. At this point, the material is rendered permanently deformed and fails to return to its original shape when the force is removed. This phenomenon is called plastic deformation. For example, if one stretches a coil spring up to a certain point, it will return to its original shape, but once it is stretched beyond the elastic limit, it will remain deformed and won't return to its original state.

Elastic deformation stretches atomic bonds in the material away from their equilibrium radius of separation of a bond, without applying enough energy to break the inter-atomic bonds. Plastic deformation, on the other hand, breaks inter-atomic bonds, and involves the rearrangement of atoms in a solid material.

Dislocations and lattice strain fields

In materials science parlance, dislocations are defined as line defects in a material's crystal structure. They are surrounded by relatively strained (and weaker) bonds than the bonds between the constituents of the regular crystal lattice. This explains why these bonds break first during plastic deformation. Like any thermodynamic system, the crystals tend to lower their energy through bond formation between constituents of the crystal. Thus the dislocations interact with one another and the atoms of the crystal. This results in a lower but energetically favorable energy conformation of the crystal. Dislocations are a "negative-entity" in that they do not exist: they are merely vacancies in the host medium which does exist. As such, the material itself does not move much. To a much greater extent visible "motion" is movement in a bonding pattern of largely stationary atoms.

The strained bonds around a dislocation are characterized by lattice strain fields. For example, there are compressively strained bonds directly next to an edge dislocation and tensilely strained bonds beyond the end of an edge dislocation. These form compressive strain fields and tensile strain fields, respectively. Strain fields are analogous to electric fields in certain ways. Additionally, the strain fields of dislocations, obey the laws of attraction and repulsion.

The visible (macroscopic) results of plastic deformation are the result of microscopic dislocation motion. For example, the stretching of a steel rod in a tensile tester is accommodated through dislocation motion on the atomic scale.

Increase of dislocations and work hardening

Increase in the number of dislocations is a quantification of work hardening. Plastic deformation occurs as a consequence of work being done on a material; energy is added to the material. In addition, the energy is almost always applied fast enough and in large enough magnitude to not only move existing dislocations, but also to produce a great number of new dislocations by jarring or working the material sufficiently enough. New dislocations are generated by Frank-Read source.

Yield strength is increased in a cold-worked material. Using lattice strain fields, it can be shown that an environment filled with dislocations will hinder the movement of any one dislocation. Because dislocation motion is hindered, plastic deformation cannot occur at normal stresses. Upon application of stresses just beyond the yield strength of the non-cold-worked material, a cold-worked material will continue to deform using the only mechanism available: elastic deformation. The regular scheme of stretching or compressing of electrical bonds (without dislocation motion) continues to occur, and the modulus of elasticity is unchanged. Eventually the stress is great enough to overcome the strain-field interactions and plastic deformation resumes.

However, ductility of a work-hardened material is decreased. Ductility is the extent to which a material can undergo plastic deformation, that is, it is how far a material can be plastically deformed before fracture. A cold-worked material is, in effect, a normal material that has already been extended through part of its allowed plastic deformation. If dislocation motion and plastic deformation have been hindered enough by dislocation accumulation, and stretching of electronic bonds and elastic deformation have reached their limit, a third mode of deformation occurs: fracture.

Frank-Read source:

A Frank-Read Source is a mechanism explaining the generation of multiple dislocations in specific well spaced slip planes in crystals when they are deformed. It was proposed by and named after Sir Charles Frank and Thornton Read. When a crystal is deformed, slip is found to occur only on certain well spaced slip planes. Furthermore, it is found that in order for that slip to occur, dislocations must be generated in the material. This implies that, during deformation, dislocations must be primarily generated in these planes. The Frank-Read Source is a mechanism to explain this phenomena. Cold working of metal increases the number of dislocations by the Frank-Read mechanism. Higher dislocation density increases yield strength and causes work hardening of metals.

From Wikipedia in the form of different links within.

Hopefully this information will clarify some things regarding plastic deformation as well as strain hardening also. ;)

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-09-2010 20:47
Yeah, thats what I meant.   :)
Parent - - By travishttn (*) Date 02-10-2010 06:57
would this information be important to a metallurgist instead of a welder?
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-10-2010 15:00
Travis,  if I might make a comment, without inserting my foot this time,

This information should be important to all of us, metallurgist, welder, inspector, engineer, etc.  All of us needs a fairly good understanding of metallurgy to better understand our part of the job.  For example, the more welders understand about metallurgy the better they will get at their jobs because they know more about transition stage, carbon realignment while cooling, what happens the more times you heat up your part over the transition point and let it come back down through it, especially on high strength/high carbon steels.  Inspectors can better monitor jobs when they understand some of these items as well.  And the engineers really need to know their stuff so they call it all out right in the first place.

But, sadly, some of these things are used, studied, and applied way to seldom by a lot of us, I am including myself.  It becomes way too easy to misuse terms.  Not understand their proper application.  Or just mess up when responding to someones questions in a thread. 

The more one can learn about all of this at an early point in their career and stay abreast of changes in technology, studying old material to keep it fresh in the mind, and talk to others about the applications the better it will make sense and make us better at our jobs.

That is one of the reasons I like to spend time on this site.  Lots of good people offering up all kinds of great information and situations that help me apply the things I am still learning.  Keeps important information fresh on my mind. 

IF YOU DON'T USE IT, YOU LOSE IT!!  But you should know as much of it as possible for all parts of the welding trades.

Just my two tin pennies worth.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By travishttn (*) Date 02-10-2010 06:55
thank you for the information
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