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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Starting pay of certified pay for welding instructor
- - By james destefano Date 02-10-2010 18:34
What is the entry level for a certified welding inspector. What kind of jobs are available and how hard or easy are they to find. I will have the instructor certification, 12 years of construction, 8 years as a union iron worker and certified welder experience. What is the pay rate.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 02-10-2010 18:51
Instructor or Inspector?
Judging by the level of certified welders, I would say the going rate for instructors to be very vey low.
$7-8 perhaps.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-10-2010 20:55
Hello James;

That type of question is frequently asked and difficult to answer. There are welding instructors employed by companies, private schools, public schools, at the high school level and at the post high school level. Your geographic location will influence the salary offered by a prospective employer. Some instructors start as part time instructors, some full time which will also influence the compensation offered.

There are a lot of things that are considered by any prospective employer for instructors just as there is for any tradesman. You have experience as an Ironworker, but what welding processes have you demonstrated proficiency? Do you have copies of your welder performance qualification records to show you have demonstrated proficiency in more than one welding process? Have you developed a curriculum and teaching plans? How much experience have you had in the classroom?

The AWS CWE may not be the credential required by some institutions. I know that in my area the NOCTI examination is what many institutions require as a minimum requirement if you don't have a degree in teaching. Once hired, the instructor may be required to complete several college level courses inorder to retain the position.

The pay of an instructor is not established as it is in the union construction trades. You are usually paid a salary if you are full time and hourly if you are a part time instructor. Your best bet is to speak with several schools offering welding programs that are actively looking for an instructor. Don't be surprised if you have to relocate.

Look at the AWS site "Job Find". There are usually a couple of schools looking for instructors.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 02-10-2010 20:56
james destefano
Welcome to the Forum
Not enough information as you start out posting about " Starting pay of certified pay for welding instructor" then ask " What is the entry level for a certified welding inspector."
But try again giving more info ( type of construction, welding experience, ...)
and again Welcome to the forum
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 02-11-2010 02:09
I figure about $15 an hour.  That is based on an extimated work load of about 3,000 hours per year and a salary of about 45 K.
- By stickwelder (*) Date 02-11-2010 06:02

I have a background in union ironwork too. Practical experience in welding will be helpful in inspection and/or instruction. I started instructing about 3 years ago and took the CWI maybe a year ago. One thing to consider with what you are asking, is that these are all different trades really. I soon discovered that inspection intels much more than just passing a CWI, it is a trade in itself. Same thing with instruction. CWE is a good credential for your resume, but there are other considerations. Example-I had an associates degree when i started instructing, but as someone previously said, there were add'l expectations.
I had to take a NOCTI, for example and comply with a certain schedule of classes towards the degree plan that met their criteria. I don't do alot of inspection other than qual. testing, and have found as others have said-add'l certs are often desired for full time inspection. (ie-ut, rt certs etc.) Take it one step at a time. CWI is a good step. Starting college classes couldn't hurt. Maybe check with local instructors for specific criteria in your region. My former instructor helped me get started with instruction by guiding me with some of the desired criteria. I also volunteered at the apprenticeship school with welding help for apprentices. Everything you can do to develop yourself professionaly.

Hope that helps-good luck
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Starting pay of certified pay for welding instructor

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