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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Accredited Test Facility
- - By strother (***) Date 02-13-2010 02:17
I have been trying to schedule a weld test at Gwinnett Tech (in Georgia), which according to the AWS website is an accredited test facility.  Contacted the head of the welding department by email and phone in November because we were headed into our slow time of the year and I need to get welders certified for upcoming jobs.  I have sent several emails and left numerous phone messages. Got one vague email response in December.  Have not been able to get any other response since.  I do not want to lose work because somebody else will not do their job.  I am just wondering if anyone else has had this much trouble scheduling welder certification with an AWS accredited test facility particularly Gwinnett Tech.
Parent - - By mightymoe (**) Date 02-13-2010 16:17
I have not had any success with Tech schools that are ATFs. Call and left messages at one in SC and one in NC and did not get a reply. There a ATF in Piedmont, SC that actually answered the phone. ARC Labs.
Parent - - By strother (***) Date 02-13-2010 17:39
Thanks, I may give them a call thats not too far from me . Theres one other ATF in Georgia thats not a tech school I may try them too.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-13-2010 20:22
Hello strother, I'll include an additional train of thought for your consideration here. I teach welding at a community college, my main focus is the training of welders and also providing training for incidental welders in any number of additional fields, additionally, we have a lot of hobbyist and others who come in for welding classes. Besides the welder training that we provide we are an "accredited" test facility for the Washington Association of Building Officials(WABO), I have plenty of hoops that I have to jump through to be qualified to provide testing for WABO. What I'm leading to with all of this has to do with workloads, time management, and the many other items which require my time. I receive calls at all times of the day and with various amounts of urgency by those who are needing WABO qualifications for their jobs. Some times these inquiries are started by employers, other times they are from individuals themselves. Since I have a full-time job taken up by teaching, I am often faced with some real challenges trying to fit-in this outside testing. On occasion I have certainly dropped the ball and not gotten back to an inquiry in a timely manner, not intentional on my part, but non the less I'm sure that the person who was trying to arrange for the test was not happy. In the case of testing at our school, I receive no additional personal compensation for the outside testing that I do other than collecting the monies and being able to apply them to our program to buy supplies and other program necessities. So when I do testing that is during a lunchtime, after regular school hours or in the evening it is on my dime. Those who I test are unaware of this scenario and I generally don't discuss that, yet it is likely that some of them are put out when I tell them that I won't be doing the testing immediately or I specify a particular date/time that I will only do the test.
     I would venture to say that many of the facilities that you have contacted, might to some degree, be similarly challenged. Don't know that for sure, but it could be a possibility. So even though you are a bit put out by some of these schools, just consider the hidden types of variables that might be in play. A bit more for your consideration. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By strother (***) Date 02-13-2010 21:08
Allan,Thats probably the case here, and I have considered that . Thats why I started trying to contact them in November hoping to get testing done before the spring . In hindsight it was probably not very professional of me to name the school(ATF)I was just trying to find out if it was just this testing facility or testing facilities in general, and I guess I just needed to gripe a little! Thanks for your input.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-13-2010 21:18
Hello again strother, you have every right to gripe, that's how things get fixed. For me, if someone has a gripe, I need to consider whether it's valid or not, if it is, I need to make a change, if not then maybe I need to simply explain the scenario a bit better. In any case, a discussion beats an assumption anytime. Hope you are able to resolve your needs in a positive manner. Appreciate your reply, best regards, Allan
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-13-2010 22:43
Can I ask the question, "Why are you going to an ATF?"

Unless there is a specific job requirement that the welder be tested at an ATF there is little reason to do so.

I have been testing welder since 1981 and have them welding in nearly half the country using the "welder certs" I issued as a CWI and now as a SCWI. I have never had one welder come back to me and tell me their paperwork was not accepted.

Most engineers usually accept test papers issued by a competent CWI for work done to AWS D1.X structural welding codes, . That being said, I will not accept paperwork that is not completed properly, i.e., silly things like listing ER70S-3 as a F4 electrode or not listing a WPS that was used, etc. are sufficient justification for rejecting paperwork. Sorry, AWS D1.1 Figure XX is not a WPS.

I would locate a reputable laboratory of independent CWI or SCWI in your area and ask if they offer testing services. Many do.

I travel around the US testing welders for large and small companies on a regular basis. I am usually engaged to qualify the procedures if they are working to a code that does not recognize prequalified procedures and developing their welding procedures as well as qualifying their welders.

I am sure there is someone in your local area that can do what you need to have done without being an ATF.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 02-18-2010 17:02
Contact a CWI that has experience in certifying individuals.  For instance...myself (or someone like myself).  I work all day for a company.  I write procedures, prepare for audits, qualify welders, write robotic programs, weld, and all the rest.  I have over 20 years of interpreting AWS, military, and other codes.

As a sideline, I'll prepare organizations to their specific customer needs.  I recently finished a NAVSEA project.  It encompassed the entire process, including Documents, Qualifications, Tension Tests, Bend Tests, training, creating work instructions, flowcharts, and preparing them for their final audit.  I represented them during the audit.    

I think you may have contacted somebody that’s too busy.  I’d try somebody else.

Good Luck,

Parent - - By OSUWE85 (*) Date 03-11-2010 02:03
I am co-owner of Arclabs. My school is a new AWS-ATF on Piedmont SC and would be happy to help you. Please feel free to contact us with your needs. 877-647-4111. Please also visit our web site at

J. Whims
Parent - By strother (***) Date 03-12-2010 00:25
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Accredited Test Facility

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