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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Stainless steel pickling inspection
- - By JM_VRCIC (*) Date 02-16-2010 16:02
Well, I write to you guys in order to get some help, I'm needing a pickling inspection form. I work in a fab shop, in which we weld carbon steels, low alloy steels, etc,. and now we are welding some pipes under ASME B31.3 with SA403 WP304L and fittings and due to thermal process we have to do some pickling, but I don't have any clue how to get a record from this inspection (the form format at least); can any of you, nice gentlemen help me out??? I will more than thankful.

Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 02-16-2010 18:30
Juan Manuel de Rosas, perdón, Vrcic,
La palabra Neuquén me trae gratos recuerdos. En efecto, en los años 1967/68, trabajaba en Mellor Goodwin y fui Jefe de Obra del montaje de las calderas y turboalternadores de la Cental Eléctrica Alto Valle, que se encontraba (no sé si todavía existe) al lado del puente sobre el rio Neuquén. Mi hijo mayor, que tenía entonces 4 años, iba al Jardín de Infantes El Conejito.
Bueno, dejando los recuerdos de lado, entrá en el site de Avesta ( que publicó un tratado sobre decapaje ácida llamado Pickling Handbook y puede ser descargado gratis.
Lo tengo archivado en casa, no aquí y por eso no te lo mando. Te lo mandaré mañana.
Giovanni S. Crisi
San Pablo - Brasil
PS: veo que trabajás para Skanska, la antigua SADE. Conocí un montón de gente de SADE, que debe estar jubilada, si es que no están muertos

excuse me for speaking in Spanish with Juan Manuel.
No mistery at all. What I say him is to enter the Avesta site and look for Avesta's Pickling Handbook. It can be downloaded for free.
If he's not able to find it, I'll send it to him from my own files.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-16-2010 23:12
It was very kind of you to translate, I would not want to miss any info i could grab.
Parent - By JM_VRCIC (*) Date 02-17-2010 04:04
Dear Giovanni, indeed my name is after that argentinian politic, jaja, such a coincidence you mention him.

About pickling I want to tell you that I have already downloaded the Avesta handbook you mention, and now I see you recommended it so I guess I was looking find on the web. I read it and it's quite describing. It was all I was looking for.

Again, thanks a lot for sharing all your knowledge with this forum.

Best regards,
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-17-2010 04:43
Hi Juan!

The first question which comes to mind would be which standard are you going to be inspecting these stainless steel items to??? Would it be to ASTM A380-06?

Or to any of these other standards shown in this link:

When you know which one you're going to be inspecting to, then you can begin to design an appropriate inspection form with all of the variables included from the referenced standard your are inspecting to - CAPECHE??? In other words, you cannot go anywhere by putting the proverbial "cart before the horse" if you want to go forward!!! :) :) :)

Here's the Avesta Pickling Handbook... Look @ page 13 for inspection and troubleshooting, but read the entire manual first in order to get a better understanding of how these processes work, and then focus on the inspection and troubleshooting section which will give you some ideas on how to design a Stainless Steel pre & post weld cleaning inspection form.

There is no one standard "pickling" inspection form, but you can always design your own form for SKANSKA! ;)

These folks may provide you with some ideas if you e-mail them your query:

This one is basically a checklist from the EPA of the US to use for pickling inspection of carbon steel and NOT Stainless steel which is what you want, yet you could get some ideas from it to use in designing your own inspection form:

I believe you will like this one very much since it is from NASA:

You might want to contact these folks also in order to ask them if they have any available inspection forms related to pickling:

These folks may just be very helpful for you to contact, and asking them if they had any specific type of inspection form they used after the components were pickled:

This is what ABB uses:$File/ABB_SIS_Article_Machinevisionnews_Vol7_2002.pdf

Here's another link to the ABB equipment:

Here is an interesting essay for you to divulge:

A bit of a weird .pdf article, yet something to read I'm sure:

This is a Canadian Stainless steel Rebar Specification Guideline, so if it's helpful for you, enjoy:

Finally, here's the same NASA Guidelines above only in MSN Word .doc form... Who knows, maybe you can design an appropriate inspection form from this guideline:

Well, that's it for me for now... If I find anything else later, I'll post it up for you. Dios te bendigas! ;) translation: May God bless you! ;)

Parent - By JM_VRCIC (*) Date 02-17-2010 14:49
Wow, awesome answer!!! This is one of the best way to answer a simple question, with literature, tons of it!!! Thanks again, both, Giovanni also!
- - By JM_VRCIC (*) Date 02-17-2010 15:05
Now, a final question, do I have to do the pickling before or after the NDT examination of the welded joint???
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 02-17-2010 19:56
Pickling is the last thing that's made in a piping to get it ready for operation. Suppose after the NDT (X ray or US) you have to remake a weld. The pickling you' ve made before would be useless, because you'll have to repeat it.
Giovanni S. Crisi
PS. No me dijiste nada si la Central Alto Valle todavía existe y funciona.
Parent - By JM_VRCIC (*) Date 02-18-2010 12:29
Jajaja, Giovanni, sí, funciona, la que está al lado del río y del puente a Cipolletti, no? Si es ésa, aún opera y la tiene Duke Energy.
Un abrazo fraternal.-
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Stainless steel pickling inspection

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