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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how low can i go?
- - By mcavana (**) Date 06-25-2002 00:29
I need to move an engine mount on an 88 honda civic forward about an inch and a half. the mount was only tack welded to the unibody in six places from the factory, and was pretty easy to remove. Both the engine mount and the unibody are pretty dam thin, prob about 1/16th inch and i am not sure exactly what their metal compostition is. Is there any way I can perform the weld with smaw? if so, what electrode should be used? should I just tack weld it into place like the factory did, or should i run a bead all the way around it to be safe? should it just be a single bead, or like a three layer fillet? I appreciate any advice you can give me...

Oh yeah, don't worry, I do have a scrap unibody and mount to practice on before touching the car.
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 06-25-2002 02:05
maybe some E6013...3/32". i'd say 7018, but that might penetrate too much and you'll end up w/ holes all over. 6013 is a light penetration rod specially made for thin sheetmetal. use a single pass, all the way around should be sufficient. if the mount is sorta like a "U" shape, you shouldn't have to weld on the outside AND the inside...only welding it on the outside should be good considering the thing was only tack welded coming from the factory.
Parent - By Jay Krout (*) Date 06-25-2002 03:20
mac, personal preference, I would use a 6010 3/32'', seems to work easier for me than 6013, never was too crazy about 6013, maybe it's because I don't do a whole lot of work with light material, but I fixed up an old Vega for a lad a couple years ago and he's still tearin up the asphalt with it, and he had no problems with it, used 6010. I would say experiment with what you can get your mitts on, and what works best for you on the scrap your play with use that. Single stringer bead will work fine. You really wouldn't have to go too crazy with the amount of weld you put to it, unless your gonna hammer the car, then you got to operater proof it, which is a whole different ballgame. Have a blast and God bless. Oh and by the way Honda steel from what I've heard ain't all that great to work with. Hope it goes well, have a blast and God Bless. J Krout
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how low can i go?

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