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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Anyone Use Apptitude Testing?
- - By Blaster (***) Date 02-21-2010 01:22
Anyone use apptitude testing of any kind for entry into a welder training program?

If so, how about some details and thoughts on the matter?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-21-2010 03:57
Hi Blaster!

There were a couple of schools where I taught in the past where they used the TABE - Test for Adult Basic Eduction testing and I do not really think they are sufficient IMHO...
Apparently the US Department of Education doesn't like the TABE test either and ave instituted a different test named the ATB, or Ability to benefit Test instead, and have been advising institutions that they need to switch from the TABE to the ATB since 2004... There are some interesting articles and links regarding the process of aptitude testing for adults and I'll list some for you to look at:

Here's the gist of the ATB and the Department of Education's decision to remove the TABE test for use in aptitude testing:

Here's the link to the .pdf:

Here's another link:

Here are some sample tests:

This link is from the NYS Dept of Education and it shows some of the other aptitude tests used out all over the country besides NY State:

Here's an interesting article fron Inside Higher Ed:

Here's a sample of one of the approved ATB tests with this one named ASSET:

Here's another one:

Here's another provider:

Here are some very interesting articles from the NAASLN - National Association of Adults with Special Learning Needs:

There's tons of information available online as well, and I hope some of this is helpful. ;)

Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 02-21-2010 05:31
Wow Henry, thanks for the very thoughtful reply.

After looking at the sample COMPASS tests for math and writing, I have a hard time believing many HS grads in my part of the country would do very well on them.

I had never heard of ATB evaluation.  That is interesting reading.

I wonder if any welding schools use the ASVAB?  I have taken a couple times myself... at the times I took it, it seemed to me to be a well constructed test battery.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-21-2010 08:35
Hello Blaster, we use compass testing at our school, but it's not a requirement to start in the welding program. We don't require any testing prior to starting in welding, but once we have them hooked we convince them of the value of knowing where they are at relative to other skills that are definitely very valuable to their futures. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-21-2010 15:10
Hey Blaster.

We use the COMPASS tests in order to place students into the correct Gen Ed  (Math, Communications) courses.

We have found that without this testing we allow students to go directly into programms of study when they don't have the tools (reading , Writing, Math) to succseed..  The compass test is necessary to make sure the students get help and aren't thrown in over their heads.

COMPASS is not generally a pass/fail thing..  It helps place students... It also allows us to give valuable feedback to high schools... who give us way too many *gaduates* who cannot read or add.

ASVAB is much more like an aptitude test than COMPASS.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Anyone Use Apptitude Testing?

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