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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding related work in Utah or Tennessee?
- - By awspartb (***) Date 02-21-2010 14:09
Just wondering if there is a demand for welders and welding related work in Utah around Salt Lake or Tennessee near Nashville and the surrounding metro areas.  I'm considering relocation to this area from the dying state of NY.  Are there many power plants and refineries in this area?  Is the workforce in Utah mostly union or mostly non-union or a well balanced blend?

Has anyone ever consdiered a job in welding supplyies/equipment?  Can you make a decent living? I'm thinking of getting out of the trade due to health issues but all I've ever been is a welder.  I wouldn't mind working for a large welding supply outfit if I could make a halfway decent living at it.   any suggestions appreciated.  Thanks
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 02-21-2010 15:54
My buddies work at a local welding supply. $8-10 per hour. It will be tough to make a good living. you can make more trading equipment on craigslist than that.
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 02-21-2010 16:05
I was thinking more like welding supply/sales than stocking shelves.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-21-2010 16:44
NY is far from dying ! I just got home from up there. If you will get around the PA/NY state line, you will find more work than you and 10 of your buddies can do ! Provided your a Rig Welder. Drilling Rigs and Pipeline EVERYWHERE !
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 02-21-2010 17:01
I'm in the union and those jobs are all non-union.  The union bosses would destroy my vehicle and ruin my life if I ever worked on one of these jobs.  Not that I'm not willing to work any job but these guys are pretty rough and they always find out.  I'm not a rig welder and don't have the truck anyway.  That's why they bring you boys in. I want out of this state bad.  It's horrible up here.  I assume they deducted NYS income taxes from your check?  Did you get sticker shock when you saw that?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-21-2010 17:27
We (I) worked out of Towanda PA. Most of the Pipelines are 798 Hands. The Drilling Rigs are not controlled by the Unions. I think if the Unons tried to Organize the Drill Rigs there would be a Large problem. 98% of the Roughnecks and RigWelders are from the South (TX., OK., LA.,) I am quite sure there would be a Redneck Uprising if one of those AFL-CIO guys showed up and gave a Fancy Speech.
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 02-23-2010 00:55
Cactus you have to admit that would be fun to watch!!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-23-2010 01:33
Parent - - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 10-25-2010 02:54
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-25-2010 03:23
Part B come on out to Salt Lake I gotta number 10 with your name on the toe!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding related work in Utah or Tennessee?

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