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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / economy??Blessings
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-05-2010 23:00
I know it is tough right now for most everyone, guys running rigs from what I hear are hurting depending on where they are.   I just got done buying an old portable welder and a shop CC machine.....I have not even rigged out.... leads, truck setup, bottles lease/buy, etc.  On my way but in the midst of it, fer instance wiring out the shop.   I got a call just the other day from a friend, he is too busy to take a job on, probably 15k in staircases for some apartments.   I am not even bonded yet, my friend believes his insurance will cover sub any rate we are going to check it out and see.   I just find it very odd getting that call when so many are looking for work........  

All I can say is thank God for looking at me with some favor and it makes my decision to start out welding for myself after all these years feel a bit better.  I have been hurting for enough cash to get started proper and this could be just the ticket to get me over the hump.  I know that might be a cheesy post to some ....but when it is nothing but dark around you, even a little candle looks bright as a floodlight.  Anyway back to wiring, and hunting good prices on stuff.
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 03-06-2010 02:38
good for you , this past year hs blown for us all.  hopefully 2010 is looking better, we are very blessed to also have work for a few of us..  take care regards  shannon
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 03-06-2010 13:55
Hey Tommy,
There is nothing "cheesy" regarding your post, & although many are out of work, there are ways to stay afloat. Some jobs may not be the cat's meow, but surviving these tough times may cause many to bite-the bullet. Being semi-retired now allows me to enjoy the fruits of my labor and I still work p/t at my employer. I've been laid off for a year & a half with a total of 170hrs for all of last year. Our company has stayed afloat because they sell used & refurbished systems & I am called in to fab & weld the new system applications. In a way it has been a blessing since the downturn in the economy caused everyone to get items repaired rather than replace. I have been extremely busy in my home shop & references from a local industrial/structural welding company who do not do general repairs, keeps me hummin'.

Last spring, the landscape guys buried me with repairs as, not knowing the effect with retaining customers, decided to get their equipment repaired rather than replace. Many of their customers were cutting back as everyone has done to an extent to reduce expenses. At times, I had 3-4 landscape trailers with broken equipment needed fixin' & thus my operation flourished. In addition, I had general repairs come in every day with easy small jobs that were "quickies"....nice $$$. Then, in the fall, the snowplow guys did the same. With the many heavy snowfalls we had this winter, many of these guys really overextended their rigs & yup., more work. This is not to brag....just to let others know, there is work if one does a bit of homework researching their areas needs. With each job, I passed out 3-4 cards & those produced work. I will stress that those who do get into a self-operation are knowledgeable & do first-class work....anything less is not acceptable. I also have (2) classic car restorations scheduled as soon as this weather breaks.

Anyway, I wanted to simply encourage others to hang in there as you have done & stay optimistic. As you can see, getting laid off can sometimes be a blessing-in-disguise. You are the only person who holds yourself back.... a hungry worker always finds work.... that's an absolute. Good luck...

Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 03-06-2010 14:44
i couldn't agree more.  i have a welder friend of mine up here.  when things got slow he went to the bar or just stayed at home , never went and looked for work. stupid.  when my company slows down, i will always go pound the ground, my friends make fun of me but were still welding and blessed...take care shannon
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-06-2010 19:30
yeah I've heard of alot of guys sitting at home almost like there to proud to go do anything else from what they normally do and I agree it is stupid to just be burning into that savings
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-06-2010 19:40

I sure have missed your posts around here.

Hope your well

Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 03-06-2010 23:29
Hey Lar,
Thank you for the compliment. Believe it or not, I read the forum every day & post if I feel I can contribute. Generally, the vast knowledge base here provides answers I would concur with before I get a chance. I have some projects I'll post one of these days to maybe give some of the fellows here something to do in their spare/off time. I will say that the welding arena has been good to me & I am thankful. I guess it also helps to be in an area where the work is still steady, & although the wages much lower than some areas of the country, there are shop welding jobs still looking for people. At 66, I'm fairly settled into retirement, yet I do like to go to work at the company. It is a great job & the "fringies" are still there with "leftovers".....yup, I get them. Anyway, I hope the fellows who are laid off just keep a positive attitude & don't give up. My regards to all you guys exercising the art of'll come back.

Parent - By TRC (***) Date 03-07-2010 01:00
Hey Tommy, happy birthday. I just recieved my first unemployement check. Went 34 years, eight months without one! My lay-off was only for two weeks while the snow melted down some. If it gets to bad the name of my new company will be COW Welding (Cash Only Welding) as I live in a dairy community HA HA!

Do your home work, most welding jobs don't require a bond. When I started out rig welding for a gas company I called my ex-insurance guy and told him I needed to jump my coverage from $300,000 to 3 mill without doing any other investigating and he gave me the SHAFT----DRY

Also make sure you persue your GTAW tallents because a bottle of argon can be turned into $1K- $2K very easly- Ted  :)
Parent - By mtlmster (**) Date 03-07-2010 13:01
Daniel 2:23
"I thank You and praise You, O God of my fathers; You have given me wisdom and might, And have now made known to me what we asked of You!

Nothing cheesy about thanking God!  Nothing cheesy about praising God for your blessings!

Bless all of you!
- By iveyweldingsvcs (*) Date 03-24-2010 21:50
I am trying to help any other guys out there I can. I have searched and searched for months....hubby was on unemployment for months just found a mill/plant job for him much less pay but we are thanking God for it.  If you know any guys in East Texas willing to go on as a single hand the lady is looking for about 20 more guys welder/millrights. I put a post under shop talk but saw yours and thought I would respond not too many guys online now.  It is in Lone Star Texas starts at 18.00 hrly temp to hire after 90 days pay goes up over 20.00 hr full benefits overtime available must pass pipe test on 6 inch no xray.  Pay is way less but better than no work at all and hubby is home every night and works a m-f some sat schedule which this wife here is loving!!!!!  I have the contact info they need immediate hires email me if anyone is interested and I will be more than happy to pass it on  Best wishes to everyone and good luck in your venture!!
- By JLWelding (***) Date 03-24-2010 23:22
The phone has not rang in two days, one customer yesterday and that job will leave at 10:00 in the morning, after that me and my son will stair at the cars as they drive buy. To all that are out of a job good luck and vote in November.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / economy??Blessings

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