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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104 "rod"
- - By plrwelder (*) Date 03-09-2010 21:10
As I've said in the past I am new to rig welding and have taken a couple different tests... but my question now is what rod is normally used on a branch test 5p,70++ ....etc the tests I have taken have been 5p root and hot pass and 7010 or 70+ fill and cap is this normal? Cause I have also heard of 7010 or 70+ all the way to?
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 03-09-2010 21:26
Back in my days of erector engineer (and I'm talking of the early seventies) I've used E 7010 for the first pass and E 7018 for the subsequents.
5P is a Lincoln brand of electrodes. We used another brand (Philips, if I remeber well)
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-10-2010 00:32
Depending on the pipe and what you are testing for you may run the bead with 5p+, 70+, or HYP. Hot pass can be 5P+, 70+ or HYP. There is no "common" rod used. A lot of companies use 5P+ and 70+ for just about everything while others don't. You just have to ask the welding boss where you are testing what is to be used for that company on that day.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104 "rod"

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