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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 4.5 or 5 inch angle grinder
- - By theshopralph Date 06-29-2002 03:39
i am looking for recomendations on good 4.5 or 5 inch angle grinders

i bought a milwaukee magnum 4.5 inch and it sounded like a coffee can full of rocks. I tend to thing this was a defective item.. so i returned it.. i may still try in a couple of weeks when the home center that i bought it at gets a new shipment. I saw a hilti dc 500-s that looked nice (very expencive but if it work thats ok with me). I have been told metabo is good also.. any thought out there are helpful
Parent - By bhiltz (**) Date 06-29-2002 12:07
our shop uses all walter 4 1/2" , we are fabricating with stainless and using zip cuts and buffing discs mostly, we have had good luck with these. we use the one with the switch on top which makes one hand operation easy.
Parent - By sparkycanuck (*) Date 06-29-2002 18:54
I can definetly recommend the Black & Decker 5" model 4252 if you can still find one. They are tough. I have also been using the Makita 5" grinders model 9005B . They are a good buy for the money & repair parts are also reasonable. The Walter is probably the best grinder ( slip clutch to prevent overloading ) if you want to spend the money. Have a good weekend - W. S.
Parent - By lake (*) Date 06-29-2002 19:08
We have tried nearly everything out there! We do mostly pipeline and general repair and maintenance, so our equipment is exposed to dirt and mud and often rigorous work. For my money, I've found that Milwaukee's small grinders give us the best value for the dollars spent. Have had only one go bad, and that was because of gravel getting into the armature space!
We prefer the paddle type switch. The thumb switches wear in the locking mechanism and then you have to hold the switch continually for operation which can be awkward and tiring. The amount you pay for a grinder doesn't always translate into
longevity! We buy the less powerful Milwaukee (6amps) as it gives good power with a comfortable size. Also, the factory reconditioned units are sometimes available at real savings in price, and come with full warranty. One of my sons buys the
Harbor Freight grinders for 20.00. His have lasted as long as any of mine! I've never had much luck with the yellow, black, grey,green or blue grinders, regardless of price. Hope this helps.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 4.5 or 5 inch angle grinder

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