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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Shop for Sale
- By JLWelding (***) Date 03-13-2010 20:44 Edited 03-15-2010 04:03
All tools must go all steel in stock must go (not much new). Shop 30'x40' minus the land it's on. Plasma Cam Cutting table 4'x4', software imgs.1000s copy wright go with it ,computer, 600 hypre, have over13k invested in it alone. Lincoln sa200 like new ( paint stickers) maybe truck too 2001 Dodge dully, new inj. pump, or miller 2005 mod. 225 500 hr. will keep one welder, 140 miller port. mig with cart, one cutting tourch complete assy. 1/4 inch 4x8 welding table,4x7 5/8 weld table. Will sell rights to all gate designs and bussiness name JL est. for 8 years on hwy front.fifth generation buisnness owner in this town.5x12 tan. low boy trailer new. Compressor old one 27 cfm works, 5x8 office inside. This is a woking shop, dont waste our time please, would like to sell whole. I will keep just enough to start again some day maybe money talks right now. House maybe for sale too 6 months old on .8 acers just survade. 1100 square house. Talk to wife on that one. 10x18 shed good shape. Guns lots, like I said good stuff, life saving of crap you know what I mean.
I will let this run for a while and see where it gose, maybe one month.
Email and I will leave you my #. Like I said dont waste our time. It will go cheap, just not your cheap. Will sell in lots not by the pease, dont ask to buy the nose cone in other words.

Guns Sold
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Shop for Sale

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