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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / ASME Sec.VIII, Div.1(index 4), Div.2(index 8) &Div.3(index6)
- - By technicalman Date 03-22-2010 16:39
I am new to the ASME codes and can any of you please guide me what is the difference between Appendix 4 of Division 1, Appendix 8 of Division 2 and Appendix 6 of Division 3 of ASME Sec. VIII.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-22-2010 18:53
Having not been involved in Div 2 and 3 vessels I would venture a guess that the requirements are more stringent when concerned with high pressures (Div 3) or more sophisticated calculations to reduce wall thickness (Div 2).
Parent - By cb7cwi Date 04-10-2010 08:14
I can tell you that the Div 1 Appendix 4 is the Round indication charts for RT acceptance.  As far as the other two Divisions, sorry I don't have them but I would assume they are applicable to what each division accepts for round indications.
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / ASME Sec.VIII, Div.1(index 4), Div.2(index 8) &Div.3(index6)

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