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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / undercut
- - By weaver (***) Date 04-06-2010 13:56
i just got of the phone with a company man.  I have done seven of his bowls (wellhead), but now another welding company is doing it for a 1000.00 dollars and they drive for 200 miles to get there. this other outfit has six or seven field welders, and pays them 30 something an hour.  i just can't compete with that, maybe i should work for them... man am i PISSED..
Parent - - By rigchaser85 (**) Date 04-06-2010 14:41
fudging cut throats
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-06-2010 21:12
How much have you been charging ? Are you doing them by the Inch ?
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 04-07-2010 03:36
yes by the inch, around 1800 total, i guess thats way to much.  that customer was very happy with that price they shopped around quite a bit , (a while ago).  plus I get in and get out.  from the conductor cut to ONE  casing cut to test 1.5 to 2hrs max with nitrogen test..  what are you charging the days cactus.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-07-2010 12:27
I am Charging $125.00 per Inch. With $75.00 stand by time. However, there are a few guys starting to undercut here also. they are doing Heads by the Hour and only charging $60 pr hr with a 4 hr minimum. I have thought about going to a $1000.00 flat rate. I hate to do it but, I might help compete with the cutthroats. If you think about it, $1000.00 is not bad for 2 hrs work.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-07-2010 12:51
Cactus, Typical business rule," where there is excess fat, it will be cut out" capitalism is a "lean" model of society!!!!! (sucks sometimes) Go Pittsburgh home of the Steelers and Pens
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 04-07-2010 16:33
Charging by the inch put me out of business.  I ended up writing an I.O.U. after each job.  I used to be a male prostitute.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-08-2010 17:43
I can testify to that Operator. One of the town gas companies got a new Mayor. In came the new Mayor and out went the welder with no leaks on any of their projects.
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 07-23-2010 20:31
Do you charge by the hour for all other time with the charge for the wellhead being on top of that? All other time being travel and standby time.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-23-2010 20:39
When you get ask to do a Head, and they tell you what time to be there, they are NEVER ready for you. So, all of the time you spend waiting is charged at $75.00 per hour. When they say "Go", Hourly rate stops. Then I charge $125.00 per inch of the Head Size.
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 07-24-2010 01:31
I should make sure of the charge in my area,I always charged only by the hour from when I left home until I returned. I think that is how it is done here. I will ask a few welders in my area who I know will tell me. If any up here charged by the inch I am unaware of it. Course for me,most of the heads were for 13 5/8 casing, not sure what your most common size was. The rigs were triples and everything seemed to go slower than on the doubles. Pretty much every time I had to practically baby sit the crew from start to finish, they were never sure what to do next,from the time I cut the conductor to finish welding on the head. I would have to tell them how to tie off the winch line,suck up the conductor or whatever.Toolpusher was either sleeping or gone. I didn`t like to do this for potential liability falling back on me,but it was either that or most of the time stuff would not get done.All I could think of is with the ups and downs in the oil field,they must have had a constant and very high turnover rate because most of the guys seemed like rookies. They also were in no hurry because they always seemed to call me out to start my work before the cement was set and figured by the time I got finished everything would be fine. Maybe that is how it`s done all over ,I don`t know. And  when I worked around the triples where everything went slower,it was 6 to 8 hours before I was finished. I`m not sure what size head Weaver was welding on but I thought he said it took him about a couple hours complete. If I could get done that quick I definitely would have to charge by the inch. Thanks for your response.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 07-24-2010 03:16
9 5/8'', i did one today. 1 hr and 10 minutes, little slower today because the conductor was full of mud ( didn't bring my cement and mud torch). so i ran 3/16'' all the way out and threw it into high gear. I will be selling out around the fall and moving back to traverse city around early winter, meet up for a beer?
Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 07-24-2010 03:54
You going to sell your rig? What will you do for work here,will you still run a rig in the oil patch? I`m still looking for a replacement truck. [ If you sell your truck let me know.] The Michigan oil patch is expected to boom again according to all the talk. But then again only the drill bit will determine this.If you do a search of the Collingwood Shale in Michigan you will find a lot of info here. This shale has the potential to be productive in the northern half of the lower peninsula. Could be lots of work.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-24-2010 10:52
98% of the rigs we work on are Triples. Most Heads are 13 5/8. I usually average about 6 hours due to the wait. We ALWAYS have to babysit the crew. Now, down here, From the times you cut the conductor until the time you are welded out, should be no more than 2 hrs.  so figure this way, 4 hrs @ $75.00 = $300.00 Stand By Time   $125.00 x 14" = $1750.00 to set and weld head. Total job for 6hrs = $2050.00
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / undercut

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