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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Asme section1V
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 04-07-2010 22:33
Hi perhaps somebody could help me here. I don't do much asme code work other than
B31.1 and B31.9  I was called in by a bus agent to help clarify a problem with a weldeing inspector on
a heating and cooling job at a local college.  Usually on these jobs we use B31.1 or B31.9. the pipe is
plain old a53 Grd B sch 40 4" to 8" operating pressure is approximately 50lbs. We have always submitted
a wps prepared under asme sect 1X for a P1 base material. The CWI on this project is asking for the welders to be
certified under asme sect 1V. I don't have a copy of this section. I thought that all  ASME testing was done under
the guidlines of asme section 1X. Can someone please help clarify this  Thank you  Joe
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-08-2010 00:02
I have had no experience with ASME IV - Rules for construction of Heating Boilers but I am positive that the welding procedures and welders will be qualified to ASME IX.
Having said that the fabrication code takes precedence over ASME IX so there may be additional requirements in ASME IV.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-08-2010 01:03
Hi Joe!

I agree with Shane, and I would ask the CWI to describe as well as cite where in section IV what the additional requirements if any he's referring before proceeding further...

Like Shane also mentioned in his reply, the welding procedures and welders will be qualified to section IX.

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-09-2010 12:38
I have a few problems with this whole scenario. And its a common one.
First of all the CWI doesn't dictate the code of qualification or construction the end user or customer does. (Someone please save us from this CWI affliction)
If the contract docs don't determine Section IV then Section IV is not involved.
In which case I would diplomatically tell the CWI to take a runnin back flip and F off. (see posts by Shane and Henry)
Then contact the customer and let them know that since such a thing was not in the contract docs if it is imposed
there would be additional costs involved, if indeed there is additional costs involved (I myself do not know Section IV either), and this would be an adder to the contract (you can often watch these problems melt away when the cutomer realizes he has to fork over a little more dinero).
If there aren't any additional costs, i.e. variables, then write a contract specific addenda to your quals that specifically mentions Section IV and move on.
If Section IV was in the contract docs then you should have paid attention.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 04-09-2010 14:26
No they brought me in after the fact so i never saw anything. Im just trying to
help sort out the mess as a favor to the union and the contractor . The contract docs
say that all welders shall be qualified to asme boier and pressure vessel code. no
section is mentioned of any kind lol. I have asked the CWI to kindly show me where it states
welders shall be qualified to ASME sect 1V. So far he has been unable to do it. I asked him
to show me what additional testing requirements would be required besides the requirements
of asme  sect 1X. He can't do that either, He doesn't have a copy either code books lmao
I think I have him convinced to accept the welders UA certifications. To make matters worse
he allowed the welders to go ahead and weld for the past 3 months  and told the contractor
they'd work it out later. LMAO.  Im not perfect and still have alot to learn as an inspector
but this is the third time in a year i've had to deal with a similiar scenario. I can't believe
these guys passed the cwi exam. im going to run this guys numbers and seei if there legit  Joe
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-09-2010 14:31
Sounds like you have it well under control, and clearly took Shane's and Henry's more diplomatic approach as opposed to my 'abrasive' approach.
The problem I think with some of these guys is not their intelligence, I just think they get a little carried away with the prestige of the CWI accreditation. Some just enjoy making people hop to. When they are confronted with someone who won't hop to it confuses them.
- - By H. Chang (*) Date 04-09-2010 08:33
I'm sure that the welder/welding operator shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX, which is the construction code call for it.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-09-2010 15:32
What do they call a person that graduates at the bottom of the medical school class?

What do they call the person that graduates at the bottom of the class from Yale?

What do they call the fellow that scored a 72% on the CWI examination?

The second question might throw you off a bit, the answer was "President", referring of course to little "Bush".

Best regards - Al
- By yojimbo (***) Date 04-09-2010 15:59
Al- I thought the answer to all the questions you posted was, "He's called a welder".  Badda boom.  I have no specific inspection training, certification or credentials and outside of what I was taught in school and picked up on the job regarding standards I am unqualified to venture a response, but I tried to keep my ears open eavesdropping on conversations that seemed enlightening and I thought the ASME section in question was limited to fabrication standards outside of welding standards.  I do not specifically understand the distinction and would welcome the short tutorial anyone might care to provide.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Asme section1V

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