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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Correct procedure and diameter of E71-T1
- - By sanjayb (*) Date 04-17-2010 04:18
we need to weld a 40mm thick MS plate 4m Long  , with another similar plate by using flux cored wire E71-T1 Size 1.2mm.
we are experiencing slag inclusion in the root run.kindly advice the correct size and Procedure to avoid this problem .

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 04-17-2010 07:22
Hello Sanjay, you haven't described the joint configuration and whether or not you are using a backing bar or some other form of backing. Are the welders using a backhand or forehand progression, roughly what is the width to depth ratio of the "root pass"? All of these things can have a lot to do with the sort of issues you are describing. If the welders are using a forehand progression they might be pushing slag out in front of the puddle and running over and trapping it as the welding progresses. If they are using a backhand method and trying to fill excessively in a single pass a similar sort of thing might be occuring and trapping slag along the toes of the root pass. Please provide a bit more detail of the joint set-up, include width of opening, groove type and angles, type of backing, gun angles, forehand or backhand progression, and possibly describe width to depth ratio on the root pass. You will receive much better answers if you can provide a bit more information for the folks on the forum to process. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-23-2010 19:59
You must have scared him away with all those questions Allan.  Hopefully he just needed to get together with whoever is actually doing the welding and get some answers.

Meantime, incase he does come back,

WELCOME TO THE AWS WELDING FORUM Sanjay.  Hopefully the advice you seek will be available when we know a little more about your situation.
Don't know how long you have been around but I don't believe I've seen you around previously.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Correct procedure and diameter of E71-T1

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