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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / E60xx for Structural Steel?
- - By miguel P (*) Date 07-20-2002 12:52
I was reviewing Table 3.1 AWS D1.1 and I found no restriccion to weld A36 steel with Non-Low Hydrogen electrodes. Note 4 say: "Only low-Hydrogen electrodes shall be used when welding A36 steel more than 1 inch thick for cyclically loaded structures" so I interpret that A36 steel can be welded with E6013, E6012 (for example) provided preheat temperature as indicated in table 3.2. I would like to know opinions about it. Thanks.
Parent - By kpauley (*) Date 07-22-2002 11:51
Yes, by the code you can weld A36 (with certain conditions) with E6013, but most specs I've worked under stipulate E70 series for structural welds.
Parent - By R. Johnson (**) Date 07-22-2002 13:20
A36 has a 36 ksi yield strength and a 58 to 80 ksi tensile strength.
E6011 and E6013 has a 48 ksi yield strength and a 60 ksi tensile strength.
Both electrode should be adequate if you use good welding practice. This assumes you are using a working stress design and not an ultimate stress design.
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-23-2002 15:25
What I used to do back in my days of erector engineer was to weld the structural steel with E6010 (good penetration but bad appearance) and give the final pass with E6012 (bad penetration but good appearance). This is because structural steel welds are mostly exposed ones, i.e., welds that people see. With the final pass made up of E6012, people see a good looking weld, which is important.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / E60xx for Structural Steel?

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